qoperation agedata



This command performs the following data aging operations:

  • prunes multiple jobs using a text file

  • prunes a single job using the command line.

In case of an error, an error code and description are displayed as: "agedata: Error errorcode: errordescription"


qoperation agedata [-delbyjobid -j <jobid>] [-delbystoreid -sid <storeid>] -sp <storagepolicy> -spc <copy> -ft [-cs <commserve_host_name>][-af <ArgumentFilepath>][-tf <tokenfile>] [-tk <token>] [-h]



Flag to delete jobs by job ID.

When the -delbyjobid option is specified, the list of jobs or specified job is pruned based on the storage policy, storage policy copy or file type. If the CommServe name is not specified, the default CommCell value of the current CommServe is accepted.

When the -delbyjobid option is not specified, the agedata command starts a data aging job. The Job ID is returned in the command line and a job is displayed in the CommCell Console.


Flag to delete jobs on all storage policy copies.

When you use this argument:

  • the argument -sp that specifies the storage policy name is optional

  • the argument -spc that specifies the storage policy copy name should not be used


Flag to delete jobs by deduplication database ID. This option is applicable for deduplication copies.


Job ID.


Deduplication database ID.


Name of the storage policy.


Name of the storage policy copy.


Valid values:

  • Q_LOG - To prune only log files for a specified job.

  • Q_DATA - To prune only data files for a specified job.

  • Q_DATA_LOG - To prune both data files and log files for the specified job.


CommCell name.


Reads arguments from a file.


Reads token from a file.


Token string.


Displays help.

Argument File

To prune jobs using an argument file, download the sample text file and modify the following parameters. For information on creating an argument file, see Command Line - FAQ - How do I use argument files in commands.


Provide job ID.


Name of the storage policy.


Name of the storage policy copy.


  • Q_LOG - To prune only log files for a specified job.

  • Q_DATA - To prune only data files for a specified job.

  • Q_DATA_LOG - To prune both data files and log files for the specified job.


  • To run a data aging job.

    qoperation agedata
  • To prune job 23453 for file type "log" from the primary copy of the Storage Policy 01.

    qoperation agedata -delbyjobid -j 23453 -sp 'Storage Policy 01' -spc 'Primary Copy' -ft Q_LOG
  • To prune job 23453 for file type "log" from all copies of the Storage Policy 01.

    qoperation agedata -delbyjobid -j 23453 -delJobsOnAllCopies -sp 'Storage Policy 01' -ft Q_LOG
  • To prune multiple jobs provided in the jobstodelete.txt file.

    qoperation agedata -delbyjobid -af x:\JobsToDelete.txt

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