qoperation jobcontrol



This command allows you to kill, resume, suspend, or change/set the progress (in percentage) of a given job. To operate on a single job, specify the Job ID. To operate on more than one job in a specific area, specify the client or MediaAgent name. You can also specify additional levels such as the agent, instance, backup set and/or subclient. The -all option can be used to suspend/resume all jobs.

If the operation is successful, no message is displayed on the command prompt. In case of an error, an error code and description are displayed as: "jobcontrol: Error errorcode: errordescription"


qoperation jobcontrol [-o <joboperation>] [-j <jobid>] - all [-m <media_agent>] [-c <client>] [-a <dataagenttype>] [-i <instance>] [-b <backupset>] [-s <subclient>] [-p <priority>] [-tfx <total files to transfer>] [-fx <files transferred>] [-ifx <files transferred since last update>] [-tbx <total bytes to transfer>][-tf <tokenfile>] [-tk <token>] [-h]



Operation to be performed on the job. Valid values are:

  • kill

  • suspend

  • resume

  • changepriority


Job ID


All jobs


MediaAgent name


Client computer name


iDataAgent type installed on client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types)


Instance name


Backup set name


Subclient name


Job priority


Total files to transfer


Files transferred


Files transferred since last update


Total bytes to transfer


Reads token from a file


Token string


Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.

1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.

2 - Any other failure.


  • Kill a job with job ID 175.

    qoperation jobcontrol -j 175 -o kill
  • Suspend all jobs under MediaAgent ma1.

    qoperation jobcontrol -m ma1 -o suspend
  • Suspend all jobs.

    qoperation jobcontrol -all -o suspend
  • Resume all jobs under client cl1 and dataagent "Q_WIN2K_FS".

    qoperation jobcontrol -c cl1 -a Q_WIN2K_FS -o resume
  • Change priority of a job with job ID 175 to 100.

    qoperation jobcontrol -j 175 -p 100 -o changepriority

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