Restore by Jobs: How To


Before You Begin

Be sure that the operation is supported. See Capabilities and Permitted Actions.


  1. Right-click the backup set or Legal Hold set to restore from, then click All Tasks > Restore by Jobs.

  2. Select a Backup Type and Job Status, as needed.

  3. To restore jobs whose backup start and end times fall within a specific time range, click Specify time range, then set the time-range criteria.

  4. If desired, click Advanced to select additional restore options in the Advanced Filter Options dialog box, then click OK two times.

  5. In the Backup Job History dialog box, click the jobs that you would like to restore. Using the right-click menu, select Restore Selected Jobs.

  6. In the General and Job Initiation tabs of the Restore Options dialog box, set the destination and any other desired options, then click OK.

Restore by Jobs for CommServe DR Data

You can restore a DR Backup job to retrieve Commserve Database dumps backed up by a selected job, from the media.


  1. Right-click the CommServe icon, then click All Tasks > Disaster Recovery Restore > Restore by Job.

    The Disaster Recovery Job History Filter dialog box appears.

  2. Select the filter options then click OK.

    The Admin Job History page is appears.

  3. Right-click the job that you want restore, and then click Restore Selected Jobs.

    The Restore Options for All Selected Items dialog box appears.


    Perform an out-of-place restore operation to another client or another folder. This will help you to easily identify the restored files.

  4. From the Destination client, select the name of the client to which you want to perform the restore.

  5. Optionally, clear the Restore to same folder option to restore to a different folder, and specify a new path in the Specify destination path box.

  6. Click OK.


The restore job will be started. You can monitor the progress of the job in the Job Controller.

What to Do Next

If you had performed key rotation after the disaster recovery backup, then you must restore the earlier key in the key management server to perform data management operations. For more information, see Rotating Master Key for a Storage Policy Copy.