Restoring and Recovering an Entire DB2 Database to a New Host


When restoring the databases to a new client, ensure the following:

  • The operating system on the destination client must be the same as that in the source client.

  • The DB2 application on the destination client should be the same (or later) version as that in the source client.

  • As a DB2 user, you should have sufficient rights to restore the database.

    For information about how to configure the DB2 user accounts, see DB2 and DB2 MultiNode iDataAgents.

  • Install the DB2 Data Agent on the source host and the destination host.

  • The destination client should be installed on the same CommServe, and the destination DB2 instance should be configured on the CommCell console.

  • Create (discover) an instance of DB2 on the CommCell Console for both the source client and the destination client.

  • Run a DB2 database backup on the source client.


The Commvault software automatically creates the target DB2 database when it does not exist.


  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand Client Computers> client> DB2 > instance.

  2. Right-click the backup_set, point to All Tasks, and then click Browse and Restore.

  3. On the Browse and Restore dialog box, select Latest Backup and click View Content.

  4. Select the database and click Recover All Selected.

    The Restore Options dialog box is displayed.

  5. On the Restore Arguments tab, in the Backup Images area, choose an option for selecting backup images:

    • To let the Commvault software select the latest backup images or the latest point-in-time backup images, based on the choice you made on the Time Range tab on the Browse and Restore dialog box, choose Auto Pick Backup Images.

    • To manually select a cycle of backup images, choose Select Backup Images. Select the images from the Available Images box, and then click > to move the selected images to the Selection box.

  6. On the General tab, select the destination.

    1. Select the destination client name from the Destination Computer list.

    2. Select the instance name from the Destination Instance list.

    3. In the Target Database Name box, type the database name.

    4. In the Target Database Path box, type the location of the target database.


      • If you do not specify a value for the target path, then the software creates a folder called "target_db_path+ instance_name+database_name" and places the tablespaces and online logs in the folder.

      • For cross database restore, if the Target Database Path box is set, the log directory is set to target_db_path/instance_name/dbname/SQLLOGDIR/.

      • For cross database restore, if the Target Database Path box is not set, the log directory is set to instance_path/instance_name/DBNAME/SQLLOGDIR.

  7. Click OK.

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