Restoring Data on the NFS or SMB Client


You can browse and restore data from the NFS share to the NFS client. If you enabled the Samba server, you can browse and restore data from the SMB share to the SMB client.

Stubs are restored as stubs. You cannot recall dangling stubs.

If you have an antivirus (AV) software installed on the MediaAgent computer, restores of entire files are triggered automatically when the AV software scans the files.

To prevent restores of entire files, you can use extent-based backups so that only the extents that the AV reads are restored instead of entire files.


  • Access Control Lists (ACLs) are supported for Windows backups.

  • From an NFS client, you can write to the files in the NFS share. However, if you unexport the share, then the files are deleted.

About This Task

When you mount the NFS share, the 3DFS server does not retrieve the files from the backup. However, when you list or access the files, the 3DFS server retrieves the details of the files from indexes. When you perform operations, such as viewing or copying a file, the 3DFS server restores the file from the backup and passes the file to the NFS client, and the data is cached in the 3DFS cache. When you access a file that is already restored, the 3DFS server retrieves the data from the 3DFS cache. If there is no space in the 3DFS cache to restore the file, then disk pruning occurs to make space for the file.

If you enabled the Samba server, the NFS share is mounted locally on the 3DFS server and is exported as a SMB share. When you access (browse using listing directory or restore by reading files) the SMB shares, the corresponding operation is performed on the underlying NFS export mounted locally.

By default, the 3DFS cache is located in the jobResults/3dfs directory. This directory contains the 3DFS configuration files and the cache.

If you enabled Samba server for SMB share support, it is recommended to specify a different path for the 3DFS cache because the NFS shares are mounted locally in the 3dfs/exports directory. Placing the 3dfs/exports directory in the jobResults/ directory might result in Commvault timeouts during Commvault software upgrades and installations.


  1. Perform one of the following:

    • Run the following command to mount the NFS share:


      mount 3dnfs_server_host_name_or_IP_number:3dnfs_share_path 3dnfs_client_local_mount_path


      mount /shared/test3
    • Run the following command to mount the SMB share if you enabled the Samba Server:


      mount //3dnfs_server_host_name_or_IP_number/3dnfs_share_path 3dnfs_client_local_mount_path -o user=<username>, dom=<domainname>


      mount // /shared/test3, -o user=testuser dom=testdomain
  2. Run the following command to browse data:


    ls directory


    ls shared/test3

    where shared/test3 is a directory on the mounted NFS or SMB share

  3. Run the following command to restore data:


    cp filedirectory


    cp shared/test3/def.h /home/usr/rst

    where shared/test3/def.h is a file on the mounted NFS or SMB share and /home/usr/rst is a local directory.

    On Windows client computers, you can connect to a SMB share by typing \\3dnfs_share_path in the Run window. To perform a browse operation, click on the directory, and to perform a restore operation, click on the files or copy the files locally.

Different Path for the 3DFS Cache

Modifying the Free Space on the 3DFS Cache

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