Restoring a DB2 MultiNode Backup to the Same Host


To restore a database, you must deactivate it. When you deactivate all the database nodes all the DB2 non-administrative users are disconnected. The system automatically activates the database after the restore operation. After the restore operation, connect the non-administrative users.

When the database is corrupted or lost, you can restore and recover it from the latest offline or online full backup (depending on how the subclient was configured for backup operations).

By default, the database is restored to the same location from where it was backed up. After you restore the database, it is recovered to the current time.


  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand Client Computers > client > DB2 MultiNode > instance.

  2. Right-click the backup_set, point to All Tasks and then click Browse and Restore.

    The Browse and Restore dialog box appears.

  3. On the Time Range tab, select Latest Backup, and then click View Content.

  4. Select the databases to restore and click Recover All Selected.

    The Restore Options dialog box appears.

  5. On the Recover Database tab, select the following options:

    1. Select the Recover DB check box.

    2. Select the To the End of the logs option.

  6. Click OK to close the Restore Options dialog box.

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