Schedule Policies Online Help


(General) / New Schedule Policy (General)

Use this dialog box to create or edit a schedule policy.


Displays the name of the schedule policy. Use this space to enter a new name for the schedule policy.


Displays the type of schedule policy.

Agent Type

Identifies the agents for the data protection schedule policy (not applicable for Auxiliary Copy, Backup Copy, or Content Indexing schedule policies).


Displays information about the policy's tasks, cautionary notes, and so on. Use this space to enter a description about the schedule policy.


  • Schedule Name

    Displays the schedules that are defined for the schedule policy.

  • Job Type

    Displays the type of backup job selected for a defined schedule (if any).

  • Pattern

    Displays the type of schedule, either one time, daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly.

  • Time Zone

    Displays the time zone in which this schedule is configured to run.


Click to add a schedule to the schedule policy from the Schedule Details (Schedule Details) dialog box.


Click to edit a schedule in the schedule policy from the Schedule Details (Schedule Details) dialog box.


Click to delete a schedule policy from a schedule policy.

Save As Script

Click to open the Save As Script dialog, which allows you to save this operation and the selected options as a script file (in XML format). The script can later be executed from the Command Line Interface using qoperation execute command.

When you save an operation as a script, each option in the dialog will have a corresponding XML parameter in the script file. When executing the script, you can modify the value for any of these XML parameters as per need.

For more information, see Save as Script Overview.

(Associations) / New Schedule Policy (Associations)

Use this dialog to select the entities to be associated with the schedule policy you are creating.


Displays the entities associated with the defined schedule policy.


Use this dialog to edit the entities to be associated with the schedule policy. Depending on the type of policy, entities that can be associated to the policy include: client computer groups, client computers, storage policies, backup sets or subclients.

Select All

Click to associate all the entities listed.

Clear All

Click to clear all selections.

Save As Script

Click to open the Save As Script dialog, which allows you to save this operation and the selected options as a script file (in XML format). The script can later be executed from the Command Line Interface using qoperation execute command.

When you save an operation as a script, each option in the dialog will have a corresponding XML parameter in the script file. When executing the script, you can modify the value for any of these XML parameters as per need.

For more information, see Save as Script Overview.

Enter Confirmation Text

Use this dialog box to confirm that you want to change client group entity associations on the schedule policy. This dialog box prevents unintentional changes to the schedule policy that could cause a large number of clients to be incorrectly associated with or disassociated from the schedule policy. To suppress this dialog box, add the bEnableConfirmMessageForSpGroupLevelAssociationChangeto the CommServe computer. Set the value to false.

Confirm Decouple

Use this dialog box to confirm that you want to decouple the subclient from the associated schedule policy. If you decouple a subclient associated with a schedule policy, the scheduled jobs will continue; however, their association with the schedule policy will be removed. They will become independent job schedules, which can be deleted, if necessary.

Backup Task Options (Backup Options)

Use this dialog box to select various backup options for all Agents. Note that depending on the Agents you selected, some options described below may not be available; only the options displayed in the dialog box are relevant to the operation that is being performed.

Select Backup Type

  • Full\Offline Full

    Specifies the job as a Full backup, which backs up all the data in the subclients. For clients with SAP MaxDB agent, both the online and the offline full backups are supported.

  • Incremental\Offline Incremental\Log

    Specifies the job as an Incremental or Transaction Log backup. The Incremental backup type backs up the portion of the data that is new or has changed since the last backup. For clients with SAP MaxDB agent, both the online and the offline incremental backups are supported. The Log backup type backs up the transaction logs defined in the subclients. Log backup type is supported only for the clients with the Lotus Notes agent or the SAP MaxDB agent.

    • Do Not Truncate Log

      Select this option to back up the transaction log in situations where the database is damaged or has not been recovered.

    • Skip Full for Newly added databases after Log Backup (Sybase)

      Select this option to skip a full backup after a transaction log backup has taken place. This option is applicable for clients with the Sybase agent.

    • Backup failed VMs only (Virtual Server)

      Select this option to back up virtual machines that have failed. This option is applicable for clients with the Virtual Server agent.

  • Oracle Incremental Level n

    Specifies the level of incremental backup for Oracle backups. Valid values are from 1 to 4.

  • Differential/Delta/Data Only

    Specifies the job as a Differential backup, which backs up all data that is new or has changed since the last Full backup.

  • Pre-Selected Backup Type

    Specifies the job as either an Incremental or Differential backup, as determined during installation or later through client configuration. An Incremental backup backs up all data that is new or has changed since the last backup for the selected subclient. A Differential backup backs up all data that is new or has changed since the last Full backup for the selected subclient.

  • Cleanup

    Specifies that the job is a cleanup job for the Exchange Mailbox Agent. Cleanup jobs are incremental.

  • Synthetic Full

    Specifies the job as a Synthetic Full backup, which creates a Full backup from existing backup data for the selected subclient or backup set. This type of backup consolidates the backup data; it does not actually back up data from the client computer.

  • SharePoint

    Use the following options to backup the data from different SharePoint server versions.

    • Backup Latest Version

      Select this option to back up the data from the latest SharePoint server version.

    • Backup All Versions

      Select this option to back up the data from all latest SharePoint server versions.

Backup Task Options (Replication Options)

Use this dialog box to select the type of backup job for a data protection schedule. This dialog box options are applicable for ContinuousDataReplicator (CDR) agent backup operation.

Backup Type

  • Full

    Establishes the data protection operation as a Full backup. A Full backup backs up all data for the selected subclient.

  • Incremental

    Establishes the data protection operation as an Incremental backup. An Incremental backup backs up all data that is new or has changed since the last data protection operation for the selected backup set or subclient.

Backup Copy Options

Use this dialog box to select the options regarding a backup copy operation to associate with the schedule policy.

No. of Jobs to Run

  • Number of Simultaneous jobs to run

    Allows you to select the data streams that are copied at the same time during the SnapProtect backup operation.

  • Allow Maximum

    If selected, the maximum number of data streams will be copied at the same time during the SnapProtect backup.


  • Start new media

    If selected, the option causes the following to occur:

    • If removable media (tape) is being used on a secondary copy, the current active media is marked as full and a new media is used for the auxiliary copy.

    • If disk media is used, a new volume folder is created for the auxiliary copy.

    When the option is not selected, the IntelliSnap backup automatically uses the current active media or volume.

  • Mark Media Full on Success

    If selected, the media used for the IntelliSnap backup is marked full after the operation is successfully completed.

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