You can set up alerts to receive email notifications when the following occurs:
Your data has not been backed up in the last 4 days
The backup data fails to be restored
Other data management scenarios specified by the administrator
These alerts can be configured for one or more clients.
Use the following procedure to set up data management alerts for one or more clients.
For a Client
From the navigation pane, go to Protect > Laptops.
The Laptops page appears.
Based on whether you own laptops or not, perform one of the following steps:
If you are an administrator who also own laptops, then on the top right corner of the page, from the All list select Owned.
The laptops that you own are listed.
If you are an administrator who does not own any laptops, skip this step and go to Step 3.
For the computer that you want to configure alerts, click SETTINGS.
Click the Configuration tag.
In the Alerts section, select the alerts that you want to enable:
No backup for last 4 days
Receive an alert when your data from the selected client has not been backed up in the last 4 days.
Restore Job failed
Receive an alert if the backup data from the selected client fails to be restored.
Custom Alerts
You may see custom data management alerts defined by the administrator. Contact your administrator for more information about these alerts.
For all Clients
From the Web Console home page, click the user name arrow in the upper-right corner, and then select Preferences.
Under Manage Alerts for all Clients, select the alerts that you want to enable:
No backup for last 4 days
Receive an alert when your data from all clients has not been backed up in the last 4 days.
Recovery Job failed
Receive an alert if the backup data from all clients fails to be restored.
Custom Alerts
You may see custom data management alerts defined by the administrator. These alerts apply to all clients in the Web Console. Contact your administrator for more information about these alerts.
When an alert is selected or cleared, click Yes or No to indicate whether you want to override the client-level alert selection in the Web Console.
If you choose No, alerts selected at the client level are not affected by the alert change.