Snaps created during IntelliSnap operation (Volume View)


Use this window to view volume related information for the snapshots.

Source Client

The client from which the snapshot creation operation is initiated.

Source Path

The local mount location for the LUN on the source client computer.

Mount Host

The destination client computer where the snapshot is mounted.

Mount Path

The location where the snapshot is mounted.

App Type Name

The name of the application for which the snapshot is created.

Job ID

The Job ID of the snapshot creation operation.

Mount Status

The status to show whether a snapshot is mounted or not.

Mount Status Update Time

The time when the mount status of a snapshot was last updated.

Creation Time

The time when the snapshot was created.

Storage Policy

The storage policy which was used while performing the IntelliSnap backup

Storage Policy Copy

The name of the snap copy used for creation of snapshot.

Copy Type

Type of the storage policy copy

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