Storage Policy - Online Help


A storage policy is a logical entity through which data from a subclient is backed up. A storage policy consists of one or more copies that associate data with a particular physical media.


Use this dialog box to view or change the properties of the selected storage policy.

Note that all the options described in this help may not be available and only the options displayed in the dialog box are applicable to the storage policy for which the information is being displayed.

Storage Policy Name

The name of the storage policy. You can change the name of a storage policy at any time without affecting the ability to restore data that may have already been backed up through this storage policy.

Storage Policy Type

Displays the type of storage policy, an iDataAgent Backup or Archiver (standard) storage policy or Disaster Recovery Backup.

No. of Copies

The number of copies associated with this storage policy.

Device Streams

The maximum number of data streams that each copy within this storage policy can simultaneously support. Each stream uses one drive for any copy that directs data to a tape library. One stream is used per subclient.

Consider the following for defining data streams in relation to the primary copy:

  • If no alternate data paths are added, it is recommended that the number of streams must be equal to the following:

    • For tape libraries, the number of drives available in the library.

    • For disk libraries, the number of writers established in the disk library (Library Properties (General) and its mount paths. (Mount Path Properties (General))

  • If alternate data paths are added, it is recommended that the number of streams must be equal to the sum of drives available in all the libraries and/or the sum of writers in all the disk library/mount paths associated with all the data paths.


    For a global secondary copy policy, the Device Streams setting performs the same function as the Combine source data streams to setting on a secondary copy.

    For more information, see Combining Source Data Streams.

Enable Stream Randomization for backup/archiver jobs

Click to enable the stream randomization so that the streams are randomly chosen to complete backup operations. This optimized distribution of data, increases the efficiency with which the backed up data is copied to media during auxiliary copy operations.

Distribute data evenly among multiple streams for offline read operations

When selected, the data is evenly distributed across multiple streams. This option is not applicable if source storage policy copy is pointing to tape media.

Keep resource reservation cached for jobs on this storage policy

When selected, the resources used by a subclient during a backup are kept in cache so it can be reused by future backup jobs of the same subclient. The resource reservation is cached for backups triggered by any subclient associated with this storage policy.

Note that the time interval to keep the resource reservation information in the cache for backups is based on the value specified in the Timeout Interval (in minutes) for cached resources when using reservation backup caching feature parameter in the Media Management Configuration dialog box.


This configuration is recommended only for the subclients with repeated scheduled jobs and with sufficient resources available at the storage policy level.

Disable Storage Policy for Backups

Click to hide the storage policy in the CommCell Console. Use this option to hide storage policies that are inactive or require protection from accidental deletion.

Note that when this option is selected, the storage policy is not listed as available when creating or editing the associations of a subclient.

If any subclients are associated with the storage policy, an error message displays, stating to re-associate the subclients before hiding it.

Incremental Storage Policy

This option is only available if this storage policy has an incremental storage policy enabled.

You can select another storage policy (that does not already have an incremental storage policy enabled) from the drop down list.

If cleared, removes an incremental storage policy from being enabled with this storage policy.


The disabling of an incremental storage policy:

  • Forces the next backup to be a full for all subclients that point to this storage policy.

  • Causes the most recent incremental backups to be aged before the next full backup occurs.

Log Storage Policy

Click to enable the log storage policy. You can select a storage policy from the drop down list for the log backups.

Enable this Storage Policy for Legal Holds

Click to enable the storage policy with Legal Hold enabled.


the following about Legal Hold storage policies:

  • Once you enable Legal hold for a storage policy, it cannot be disabled later.

  • When you define a storage policy for legal hold, if the storage policy has multiple copies with varying retention time, the highest retention time among the copies will be displayed as the default retention period for the Legal Hold. However, you can also extend the default retention period during Legal Hold creation.

  • You can create multiple Legal Hold storage policies.

  • Legal Hold can be enabled on a Data Protection and Archiving Storage Policy Type.

Allow Erase Data

This option is only available if an Erase Data license has been activated. When selected, end-users are allowed to erase data when stubs are deleted from a specified drive, folder, or UNC path.

From the General tab of the Agent Properties dialog box, the Erase archive data when stub is deleted option must also be selected.


After you have erased data using the Erase Data feature, that data cannot be recovered with any data recovery methods. Tape Catalog and Media Explorer are the data recovery methods that read the media directly to enable the restoration of data. When using the Erase Data feature, a random media password is set to prevent restoration. Since the media password is random and unknown, the data will not be recoverable using these direct media access tools.


Use this field to enter a description about the entity. This description can include information about the entity's content, cautionary notes, and so on.

Allow subclient associations to this storage policy for 30 more days

This option is available when the average QI time of a DDB reaches 80% of its threshold (two milliseconds). Select this option to assign subclients to the storage policy for an additional 30 days (grace period).

After 30 days, if the average QI time is still above 80%, the storage policy will not accept new subclients. You can enable the 30-day grace period repeatedly to continue to associate new subclients until the average QI time falls below 80%.

If this option was selected previously and the DDB is under the grace period, this option does not appear. Instead, the following message is displayed with the grace period end date.

Note: This Storage Policy will not accept subclient associations anymore after <mm/dd/yyyy> mm:ss>

Copy Precedence

Use this dialog box to set the precedence identifier that is assigned to each storage policy synchronous and selective copy.

  • Precedence

    A numeric identifier assigned to a storage policy copy. You can specify the storage policy copy from which you want data to be restored through the restore options of the individual agents.

    The table displays the storage policy and the storage policy copies corresponding to the copy precedence number.

  • Copy Name

    The name of the storage policy copy.


Moves the selected copy one row up in the copy precedence list (that is, decrements the copy precedence by 1).

down_arrow (old UI blue circle white v)

Moves the selected copy one row down in the copy precedence list (that is, increments the copy precedence by 1).

Associated Subclients

Use this dialog box to determine which subclients are associated with the selected storage policy. Keep in mind that one or more columns may be left blank, depending on the type of subclient. For example, the Instance field does not apply to File System subclients.

  • Client

    The client computer on which the subclient resides.

  • Client Group

    The client associated with the subclient is a member of the listed client computer groups.

  • DataAgent

    The agent which defines the type of subclient (e.g., File System, Exchange Mailbox, etc.)

  • Instance

    The instance to which the subclient belongs. (This parameter does not apply to all agents)

  • Backup Set

    The backup set to which the subclient belongs. (This parameter does not apply to all agents)

  • Subclient

    The subclient that is associated to the selected storage policy.

  • Subclient Policy

    Displays if any subclient policy is associated to the selected storage policy.

  • Policy Type

    Displays what data type (DATA or LOGS) is backed up by the subclient.

  • Re-Associate

    Click to re-associate individual subclients of this storage policy to another storage policy from the Storage Policy List dialog box.

  • Re-Associate All

    Click to re-associate all of the subclients of this storage policy to another storage policy from the Storage Policy List dialog box.

Content Indexing

Use this dialog box to enable and configure content indexing for the selected storage policy.

Enable Content Indexing

Specifies whether Content Indexing is enabled or not. When enabled all the other options for Content Indexing are enabled.

Content Indexing: General


  • Select the Search Engine

    Displays the name of the Search Engine that will be used by the storage policy. To select, click one from the list.

Subclient Association

  • Choose the Subclients for Content Indexing

    When selected, indicates that data from the specified subclients will be content indexed.

    When cleared, data from all subclients that use this storage policy will be content indexed.

  • Associate

    Click to display the Subclient Association dialog box which allows you to add or remove subclients for which data must be content indexed.

Source Copy

  • Specify Source for Content Indexing

    When selected, you can specify the name of the copy that must be content indexed.

    When cleared, the software will use a storage policy copy pointing to a disk library and/or use the storage policy copy with the lowest copy precedence.

Entity Extraction

  • Enable Entity Extraction

    When selected, enables you to configure the Entity Extraction feature to run on the content indexed data.

  • Configure

    Select to configure the Entity Extraction feature on content indexing operations on the storage policy. You can select subclients and configure the types of data that you want to identify when running entity extraction.

Defer Content Indexing for n day(s)

When selected, specifies that data can be content indexed only after an n amount of days after the data was backed up.

Backups On and After

When selected, specifies a backup on and after the specified date will be used for content indexing.

Synchronize directory information before Content Indexing

By default, the user directory (GUID) are updated in the Commserve database every 24 hrs or whenever the Commserve services are restarted. However, if a new user is added to the domain and you content index the new user’s data before the directory is synchronized with the CommServe database, the search will return results with missing user details (example, the user’s mail id will not appear in the search result). To prevent such cases, you can enable the user directory synchronization before each content indexing job.

Content Indexing: File Filter

By default, the following file types will be included for content indexing:

bmp, csv, doc, docx, dot, eml, htm, html, jpg, jpeg, log, msg, ods, odt, odg, odp, pages, pdf, png, ppt, pptx, rtf, txt, xls, xlsx, xml

Include Global Filters

Specifies whether global filters for content indexing will be included or not. Set the value to either ON or OFF.

Include following file types for Content Indexing

Specifies that the file types listed in the box (displayed below) will be content indexed.

Exclude following file types from Content Indexing

Specifies that the file types listed in the box (displayed below) will be not be content indexed.

Remove from list

Highlight the file type from the file types listed in the box, and click this button to remove it from the list.

Add new filter pattern

When selected, allows you to add additional file types to the file types list.

Filter Pattern

Use the box, to enter a new file type.


Click to add the Filter Pattern that will be added to the file types list.

File Size

  • Minimum document size

    Specifies the minimum size of the files that will be content indexed. File sizes which are below the specified size will be skipped.

  • Maximum document size

    Specifies the maximum size of the files that will be content indexed. File sizes which are above the specified size will be skipped.

Content Indexing: Retention

Retention rules for Content index

  • Retain the index as per data retention rule

    When selected, specifies that the retention for the content index is based on the retention rule established for the associated data in the storage policy copy. The content index will be automatically deleted when the associated data is aged.

  • Retain for n Days

    When selected, the content index for each backup job will get pruned after n number of days from the date on which it was content indexed. However, if the specified number of days is greater than the retention days set for the backup job, then the index will get pruned along with the backed up data.

    For example, if you specify to retain the index for 360 days and if the retention for the backup job is set as 180 days, then the index will get pruned along with the backed up data after 180 days.

Content Index Fallen Behind Alert
Enable Content Index Fallen Behind Alert

Enables an alert to be sent when the criteria for content indexing jobs are matched for the storage policy.

To be content indexed data is over GB

Select to send an alert when the amount of data to be content indexed in the storage policy is above a defined size.

Jobs that are over days old and have not yet been fully indexed

Select to send an alert when backup jobs older than a defined number of days have not been fully content indexed.


Use this dialog box to configure advanced options for storage policies.

Prevent multiple copies of job across selective copies

This option is valid for time based selective copies.

Select this option to prevent the same set of backups to be copied across different selective copies.

For example:

The storage policy has the following configured:

  • 1 daily copy (first full)

  • 1 weekly copy (first full – week begins on Monday)

  • 1 monthly copy (first full – month begins on 1st)

Full backup Job1 runs on the first day of the month, which is Monday. This job qualifies for all the 3 configurations:

  • First full of the day

  • First full of the week

  • First full of the month

If Prevent multiple copies of job across selective copies option is selected, then the job will go to the Monthly copy only. If the option is cleared, this job will be copied to all the selective copies.


If there are multiple copies with the same selective copy rules, then the qualifying job goes to the copy which was created first and therefore has the lowest copy ID.

Enable Storage Policy Level Media Password

Click to enable the storage policy level media password protection feature. The media password is used to prevent unauthorized access to the data residing on media used by the system for this storage policy. If not enabled, the CommServe Level Media Password is the default password. The Media Password must contain a minimum of 8 characters and at least one special character and one uppercase letter.


You can set the media password at the CommServe level and at the storage policy level. If you set a media password at both levels, the media password at the storage policy takes precedence.

  • Change Media Password

    Select this option to change the storage policy level media password.

    Enter New Media Password

    Enter a new password.

    Confirm New Media Password

    Re-enter the new password for confirmation.

    Enter Old Media Password

    Enter the previous media password used for this feature. If this is the initial configuration of the storage policy level media password, enter the CommServe level media password.


    If you choose to password protect your media, it is essential that you record this password. In certain disaster recovery scenarios, it may be necessary to read your backup data directly from the backup media (using Media Explorer, for example). This password will be required to directly access the media.

Block level Deduplication factor (in KB)

Specify the block size to be used for block level deduplication. This option is only applicable for block level deduplication. The minimum block size is 32 KB, and the maximum block size is 512 KB. The default block size is set to128 KB.

If the source primary copy uses Hyperscale or Hedvig storage and the secondary copy points to the cloud storage on a Global Deduplication storage policy (GDSP), the block size value on the secondary copy automatically changes to the block size value on the source primary copy.

Time Zone

Lists the time zones. To change the time zone, click one in the list.

DDB Access Path

Use this dialog box to add/modify the deduplication database access path and view/modify the database properties.

MediaAgent Name

Displays the name of the MediaAgent in which the deduplication database access path is configured. Note that only MediaAgents of same byte order will be displayed in the list.

Note when the MediaAgent is changed, the contents of the current access path must be manually copied over to the new access path.

Access Path

Displays the path used to access deduplication database.

  • Change

    Click to change the access path to deduplication database.

Offline Reason

Displays the offline reason, when the status of the selected deduplication database is offline.

Deduplication Database Location

  • Location

    Indicates the path/directory in which the deduplication database resides. Click Browse to establish or change the designated location.

DR Backups For Copy

Use this window to view the Disaster Recovery Backup jobs for the selected storage policy copy of the Disaster Recovery Backup storage policy.

Job ID

A unique number allocated by the Job Manager for the Disaster Recovery backup job.


Displays the Job Status of an Disaster Recovery backup job.

Start Time

The date and time on the CommServe when the Disaster Recovery backup job started.

End Time

The date and time on the CommServe when the Disaster Recovery backup job ended.

User Name

The name of the user who initiated the Disaster Recovery backup job.

Data Verification Status

Displays whether or not this backup has been picked for data verification, and if the data verification operation was successful. Status includes Picked for Verification, Not Picked, Successful, Partial, Expired, and Failed.

Date & Time of Last Verification

If selected for data verification, the date and time this job was last verified.


When clicked, updates the window with the most current information.


Click to print the details displayed in the dialog box.

Save to File

Click to save the details displayed in the dialog box either as a tab (.xls) or comma (.csv) separated file.