Subclient Properties (Content)


Use this tab to define the contents of a new subclient or to change the content of an existing subclient. Items included in subclient content are backed up by the subclient.

Selective Online Full

Specifies whether selective online full backups will be performed for this subclient.

Backup Device

Specifies the SAP Oracle-specific device (Util_File, Rman_util, util_file_online, Util_Vol, Util_Vol_online) to use for backups.


Specifies that a backup is performed file-by-file using a backup program specified by the BACKINT interface.


Specifies that an RMAN backup is performed in combination with a backup library and the backup tool specified by the BACKINT interface.


Specifies that an online backup is performed file-by-file using a backup program specified by the BACKINT interface. The backup status is set and ended dynamically for the tablespaces to be saved. If you use this device, the volume of offline redo log files is also significantly reduced during an online backup.


Specifies that a backup is performed at disk-volume level.


Specifies that a backup is performed at disk-volume level with dynamic switching of tablespace backup status.

The Util_File is a default option when you select IntelliSnap Operations. However, you can select the option as per your requirement.

The Util_Vol, Util_Vol_online options will not be available in the following circumstances:

  • If the Snap is not setup

  • If the Snap Engine is DDR

  • If the BR*Tools version is below 7.10

For more information, refer to the appropriate SAP Oracle application documentation.


Specifies whether data files will be backed up for this subclient, and provides you with a choice of backup modes - Online Database, Online Subset or Offline Database.

  • Backup Mode

    A choice of modes is provided to specify the manner in which data file backups for this subclient will be conducted.

    Online Database

    Specifies the backup of the online database.

    Online Subset

    Specifies the backup of a subset of database objects. Use the tree displayed in the Current Database View to add new or modify these subsets. The database must be online and in ARCHIVELOG mode when the backup is invoked.

    Offline Database

    Specifies the backup of the offline database. The database must be in the MOUNT mode when the backup is invoked.

    Consistent Online

    Perform a consistent online backup. A consistent online backup includes the data and the offline redo logs that are generated during the data backup. When you perform a backup on a consistent online data subclient, the data is consistent because the offline redo log files created by BRBACKUP backed up with the database files on the same volume. The logs that are part of the consistent online backup are part of the data backup and included in the BRBACKUP summary file.

  • Current Database View

    Displays the subsets (tablespaces and datafiles) that are available in the database associated with this subclient.


    Click to refresh the content of the database.

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