Subclient Properties (IntelliSnap Operations)


Use this tab to enable IntelliSnap backup and to establish the options for IntelliSnap backup operations for the selected subclient.


Select this check box to enable IntelliSnap backup for the subclient.

Available Snap Engines

Select a snapshot engine vendor from the list.

  • Manage Array

    Click to access the Array Managementdialog box, which enables you to add or modify access information for a array.

Use Proxy

Select a proxy computer to mount the snap. The list shows all the client computers that have the Virtual Server Agent installed. Select a client computer that satisfies the following prerequisites:

  • Virtual Server Agent and MediaAgent are installed on the client computer.

  • The client computer is not part of the Hyper-V cluster for which you are performing the IntelliSnap backup.

Use Separate Proxy for Backup Copy

Select this check box to use a separate proxy for backup copy operations.


Select a proxy for backup copy operations.

Collect File Details For SnapShot Copy

Select this check box to collect information about files, directories and volumes during IntelliSnap backup operations. Use this option when creating a copy for tape storage, because file and folder information is required when recovering files from tape.

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