Use Cases and Operations for CommCell Migration


The following table displays the support for use cases and corresponding operations to perform CommCell migration.

Use case


Support (Yes/No)


Consolidate multiple CommCell environments that are already running into an existing CommCell environment.

Merging CommCell environments


Consider this operation to move many clients between CommCell environments for business or organizational reasons. To move a small number of clients, consider re-installing to a new CommServe instead. We provide authorization code with discretion.

Merge clients into a new CommCell environment to decommission the old CommCell environment or to move to new hardware.

Moving CommCell environments


Follow standard procedures for hardware migrations. For instructions, see CommServe Hardware Refresh: Overview.

Move CommCell environment configurations from one CommCell environment to another.

Move CommCell environment configurations


Consider this operation to move subclient policies, schedule policies, users and user groups, alerts and media locations.

Perform permanent migration of clients to associate the clients to another CommCell environment. This process involves permanently moving the metadata records associated with these clients.

Permanent migration of clients


Consider this operation when computers are relocated or for load balancing reasons.

Perform temporary migration of clients to another CommCell environment. The clients and configuration settings that are temporarily migrated exist in the source CommCell environment and the destination CommCell environment. The properties and associations of clients and configurations in the destination CommCell environment exist as in the source CommCell environment.

Temporary migration of clients


Consider this operation to free space on the source CommCell environment, to perform maintenance operation on a source server, or when a copy of the client metadata on one (source) CommCell environment is to be maintained on another (destination) CommCell environment also.

Split CommCell environments into more than one CommCell environment for business or organizational reasons.

Splitting CommCell environments


Consider this operation to move many clients between CommCell environments for business or organizational reasons like maintaining separate CommCell environment for each department, location or team. To move a small number of clients, consider re-installing to a new CommServe instead. We provide authorization code with discretion.

Split or merge clients into another CommCell environment to reduce licensing counts, or balance license/capacity usage.

Balance Licensing Counts


Configure a Licensing Server to manage licenses across multiple CommCell environments. Apply new licenses to convert between licensing packages. For more information, see License Administration.

Split or merge clients into another CommCell environment to change CSID or change Licensing solution.

Convert to new CSID or License Package


Apply new licenses to convert Licensing solutions. For more information, see License Administration.

Recover metadata for accidentally deleted clients, storage policies or other entities.

Recover Deleted Data


Consider this operation only when the data is confirmed recoverable beforehand.

Perform scheduled metadata transfers between CommCell environments to monitor job based data between cells.

Set up Global Repository Cell (GRC)


Consider this operation for GRC solutions.

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