Using UNC Paths for the Job Results Directory


Applies To:

  • SharePoint Server Agent

  • Windows File System Agent

  • Exchange Database Agent 2007 and later (if configured in a Cluster Continuous Replicator (CCR) environment)

You can use a UNC path for the job results directory. When assigning UNC paths, the designated directory must be ONE level below the directory which is shared for this purpose:

Correct: \\machine1\<share_name>\job_results\ is shared. Then specify \\machine1\<share_name>\job_results\job_results_1 as the job results directory.

Incorrect: \\machine1\<share_name>\job_results\ is shared. Then specifying \\machine1\<share_name>\job_results as the job results directory is not supported.


  • The SharePoint user account must have full access to the job results folder on the UNC path.

  • System State backups are not supported for job results directory on the UNC path.

  • You may receive errors when you try to access the shared job results directory that is hosted on cold storage.


  1. From the CommCell Browser, go to Client Computers.

  2. Right-click the client and click Properties.

    The Client Computer Properties dialog box appears.

  3. Click Advanced.

    The Advanced Client Properties dialog box appears.

  4. Click the Job Configuration tab.

  5. In the Job Results Directory box, type the UNC path.

  6. Click OK twice to close the properties dialog boxes.

Job Results Directory Disk Space Calculation

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