Viewing the Details of Recent Backup Jobs
Use the following steps to view the job details of recent backup jobs:
From the navigation pane, go to Protect > Laptops.
The Laptops page appears.
Click SETTINGS for the computer that contains the data you want to view.
In the Backup section, click Recent Backup Jobs.
All the recent backup jobs run on the client computer in the last one year are shown in a table.
Synthetic full backup jobs are not displayed in the recent backup jobs list because the jobs are not run on the client computer.
In the Time column, click the backup time to view the files backed up during that time.
The files are listed on the Restore Files page. For information on restoring files, see My Computers - Browse and Restore.
You can view the Job ID of the backup job on the top of the Restore Files page.
Viewing the Backup Job Summary
Use the following steps to view a summary of the last backup job:
From the navigation pane, go to Protect > Laptops.
The Laptops page appears.
Click SETTINGS for the computer you want to view the backup summary for.
Under the Backup section, you will find the following details:
Last Backup
Displays the date when the last backup was performed.
Last Backup Size
Displays the size (in MB) of the data backed up during the last backup operation. If the size is higher than 1024 MB, it is displayed in GB.
Total Backup Size
Displays the amount of backup storage used from the quota for the client. For more information on quota and usage, see File System Backup Quota: Quota and Usage Calculation
Last Seen Online
Displays the date and time of the last connection that the client established with the CommServe. This means that the client has been either offline or not used since the date displayed.