Viewing Virtual Machine Backup Status


You can view the list of virtual machines that were backed up during a backup operation.


  • For information about Virtual Machine (VM) sizing, see Size Measures for Virtual Machines.

  • The Backup Type, Transport Mode, and CBT Status columns display N/A because these configurations are not applicable.


To view the backup status for active jobs:

  1. In the Job Controller tab, right-click the backup job and then select View Job Details.

  2. In the Job Details dialog box, click the Virtual Machine Status tab.

    The status of backed up virtual machines backups is displayed.

    For non-Windows virtual machines (such as Linux VMs), the Guest Size displayed is the backup size of the virtual machine.

  3. Click OK to close the Job Details dialog box.

To view the backup status for completed jobs:

  1. Right-click the subclient and then select Backup History.

  2. In the Backup History Filter dialog box, click OK.

    By default, a list of all backup jobs completed in the previous 24 hours is displayed.

  3. Right-click the backup job and then select View Job Details.

  4. In the Job Details dialog box, click the Virtual Machine Status tab.

    The Virtual Machine Status tab shows the status of virtual machine backups. For jobs that are not complete, a status bar shows the progress for each VM. The VM Status will show as Waiting, In Progress, Completed, Partial Success, Skipped, or Failed.

    The CBT Status column displays whether Change Block Tracking (CBT) was used for the backup. One of the following status messages will be displayed:

    • Used: CBT was used on all the virtual disks for the VM.

    • Partially Used: CBT was used on selected virtual disks for the VM.

    • Enabled: CBT is enabled. Displayed for the first backup of the VM after enabling CBT.

    For non-Windows virtual machines (such as Linux VMs), the Guest Size displayed is the backup size of the virtual machine.

  5. Click OK to close the Job Details dialog box.

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