Adding Compliance Search Results to a Case


You can add the search results from Compliance Search to Case Manager by adding the search results to a review set case or to a legal hold case.

Before You Begin

  • Verify that you have the permissions needed to add search results to a case.

  • Determine if you need to add search results to a review set case or a legal hold case:

    • Review set case: Use to sort and group data for further processing and review. A review set does not create a copy of the backed-up data. To preserve data, review set cases can be converted to legal hold cases in Case Manager.

    • Legal hold case: Use to segregate and preserve relevant data for legal purposes. For example, you can use a legal hold case to preserve data for pending or anticipated litigation or for routine investigation.


  1. From the navigation pane, go to Data Insights.

    The Data Insights page appears.

  2. Under eDiscovery & Compliance, click Compliance search.

    The Compliance search page appears.

  3. In the upper-left area of the page, from the search list, select Email or File.

  4. In the search box, enter a keyword, and then click the search button.

    You can also use the predefined facets, saved searches, or advanced search options.

  5. Select the check boxes for the email messages or the files to add to a case.

  6. Click Add to case, and then do the following:

    • To add the email messages or the files to a legal hold, click Legal hold.

      The Add Legal hold dialog box appears.

    • To add the email messages or the files to a review set, click Review set.

      The Add Review set dialog box appears.

  7. Add the email messages or the files to an existing case or to a new case:

    • Legal hold

      • To add to an existing legal hold, on the Existing tab, from the Legal hold case list, select the legal hold.

      • To add to a new legal hold, on the New tab, create a legal hold.

    • Review set

      • To add to an existing review set, on the Existing tab, from the Review set case list, select the review set.

      • To add to a new review set, on the New tab, create a review set.