Asset Details Page

The inventory Assets tab shows information about the servers or domains and data collection jobs.


Details about the GDPR data source.

  • Name

    The name of the asset.

  • Type

    The type of asset.

  • Status

    The current status of the data collection job for the asset.

  • Created on

    The time the asset was added.

  • Last collection time

    The time the asset was last modified.

Data Collection Jobs

Information about the progress of collecting information about the asset.


To modify the columns in the table, in the upper right of the table, click the menu button choose columns icon and select the columns that you want to view.

  • Start time

    The time the data collection job began. The time is relative to the Index Server time.

  • End time

    The time the data collection job ended. The time is relative to the Index Server time.

  • Time taken

    The duration of the data collection job.

  • Status

    The current status (either RUNNING or FINISHED) of the data collection job.

  • Successful

    The number of servers that were processed successfully.

  • Failed

    The number of servers that could not be processed successfully.
