Assigning Permissions to Online Service Accounts


Applies to: Exchange 2007 or later, User Mailbox

This procedure assigns full access to service accounts.


Disclaimer: This procedure is performed using the Microsoft ADSI Edit snap-in. The snap-in is subject to change without notice. Consult the Microsoft documentation before you perform this procedure.

Before You Begin

  • The service account must be a member of:

    • The Local Administrator Group on the access node servers.

    • The Organization Management group (Exchange 2010 or later) or the Exchange Organization Administrators group (Exchange 2007).

  • To protect archive mailboxes and journal mailboxes, you must also add the Receive As permission to the service account.

  • The service account must have local logon rights. Make sure that the local logon rights are not overridden by any group policies.

  • The service account must have a mailbox.

  • For public folders, service account should have owner permission at the root level (all public folder).

  • For public folder backup and restore, the service account must have impersonation and view-only permissions.


  1. From the ADSIEDIT snap-in, connect to the domain controller.

  2. In Connection Settings, click Select a well known Naming Context and select Configuration from the list.

  3. Expand Services > Microsoft Exchange.

  4. Right-click the appropriate organization name, and then click Properties.

    The Properties dialog box appears.

  5. Click the Security tab.

  6. Under Permissions, verify that all the permissions for the Organization Management group (Exchange 2010 or later) or the Organization Administrators group (Exchange 2007) are set to Allow.


    Selecting the Allow for Full Control check box selects Allow for all the permissions. The Deny check box for all permissions must be cleared.

  7. Click OK, and then wait for replication.

  8. To grant Receive As permissions to the service account, open Exchange Management Shell (Exchange PowerShell), and then type the following cmdlet:

    Get-MailboxDatabase | Add-ADPermission -user "<service account>" -ExtendedRights Receive-As

    You must include the Receive As permissions to protect archive mailboxes and journal mailboxes.

  9. Repeat this procedure for each service account for every Exchange server that you want to protect.

What to Do Next

Set the throttling policy.