Creating an Archive Plan


You must create an archive plan to start archiving your data on the file server.

Before You Begin

  • Configure Storage. For more information about configuring storage, see Storage

Start the Configuration Wizard

  1. From the navigation pane, go to Manage > Plans.

    The Plans page appears.

  2. Click Create plan, and then click Archive.

    The Create Archive Plan wizard appears.

  3. To create a new archive plan from scratch, select Create a new plan.

    To create a new plan by using the settings from an existing plan, select Use existing base plan.

  4. In the Plan name box, enter the name of the plan.

    If you have chosen Use existing base plan, then from the Base plan list, select a base plan.

Backup Destination Configuration

  1. Click Next.

    The Backup destinations page of the configuration wizard appears.

  2. Click Add Copy to set the storage options where you back up the data.

    The Add copy dialog box appears.

  3. In the Name box, enter a unique name for the copy.

    To archive files based on file size, in the Minimum file size box, specify the file size in KB, MB, or GB.

  4. From the Storage list, select the storage pool to use.

  5. Optional: In the Retention period box, type the number of days you want the software to retain the data. The number of days you enter is set as days in the storage policy retention and the number of cycles is set to 1.


    • Retention criteria is set only at the storage policy level. Subclient policy retention is set to 0. The archived data is retained in the media until the storage retention criteria is met.

    • Default value is set to infinite days. If you want to modify, ensure that you specify a minimum of 5 years as the retention period to create the archive plan successfully.

    • If the deduplication and WORM storage lock are enabled at the storage level, the Retention period is populated from storage and cannot be modified. Ensure that the Retention period on the Storage is set to a minimum of 5 years so that the archive plan is created successfully.

  6. Click Save, and then click Next.

    The Recovery Point Objective page of the configuration wizard appears.


  1. Optional: Under RPO (recovery point objective), update the RPO options:

    1. Specify the frequency at which the system should start the job in Archive. You can select the frequency to run the job daily, weekly or monthly.

      For weekly frequency, specify the days of the week.

      For monthly frequency, specify the week and the day of the month.

    2. To update the backup window for incremental jobs, beside Archive window, click Edit, and then in the dialog box, select the days and times when backup jobs will run.

  2. Click Next.

    The Archiving Rules page of the configuration wizard appears.

Archiving Rules Configuration

  1. Specify the criteria for the type of data to be archived:

    1. To archive files that have not been modified for a specific number of days, from the File timestamp list, select Last modified, and then type the number of days/months/years.

    2. To archive files that have not been accessed for a specific number of days, from the File timestamp list, select Last accessed, and then type the number of days/months/years.

    3. To archive files based on file size, in the File size Minimum file size box, type the file size in KB/GB/MB.

    4. To stub files after they are archived, next to After archiving, select Replace the file with a stub.

    5. To delete files after they are archived, next to After archiving, select Delete the file.

  2. For Hadoop (HDFS), to delete the files after backup and archiving, for After archiving, select Delete the file.

  3. Click Next.

    The Override Restrictions page of the configuration wizard appears.

Override Configuration

  1. Optional: To allow the derived plans that use this plan as the base plan to override the settings, under Override restrictions, select Allow plan to be overridden, and then select one of the following options for Storage pool, RPO and Archiving rules:

    • Override required: Plans derived from this base plan do not inherit the base plan values.

    • Override optional: Plans derived from this base plan can either inherit the base plan values or have different values.

    • Override not allowed: Plans derived from this base plan must inherit the base plan values.

  2. Click Submit.


Archive plan is created.

What to Do Next

You can assign the plan to subclients.