Creating Custom Categories for Teams Backup Content


You can create custom categories for Teams backup content so that you can group specific types of content together. This is helpful if you need to have a different backup frequency or require different settings for specific types of backup content.

When you have a large environment (over 40,000 teams), you should configure multiple custom categories to create different sets of backup data on the same client or split into multiple clients using regular expressions. For example, you can use regular expressions to define a set of backup data based on the team name, such as all teams starting with A-E, which is (^[a-e]] written in regular expression.

If you are continuously adding more teams to the same set of backup data, then you can seal the existing set of backup data using custom categories. Create one custom category that is configured with the source Team Created Time and the operator On or before, and then create another custom category that is configured with the source Team Created Time and the operator On or after.


You cannot configure custom categories for user data.


  1. From the navigation pane, go to Protect > Office 365 > Apps.

    The Office 365 apps page appears.

  2. From the list, select the Teams app where you want to create a custom category for backup content.

    The team detail page appears.

  3. On the Content tab, at the upper-right area of the page, click Add.

    The Configure Content wizard appears.

  4. Select Add content to backup, and then click Next.

  5. From the Select Teams or Chats for backup list, select Teams.

  6. Expand Advanced, select Custom categories, and then click Next.

  7. On the Content tab, in the Category name box, enter a title for the category.

  8. Click the Add Rule button.

    The Add rule dialog box appears.

  9. From the Source list, select the type of data that you want to define the category, and then configure the settings for the data:

    • Team Created Time: To create a category of backup data based on the time when the data was created, select this option.

      • Operator: To define a period of time, select On or After or On or Before.

      • Value: Select a date.

    • Team Display Name: To create a category of backup data based on the team name, select this option.

      • Operator: To define the text that each team name has in common, select one of the available options, such as Starts With or Equals. You can also use a regular expression to define a pattern of text.

      • Value: Enter a string of text that each team name has in common.

    • Team SMTP Address: To create a category of backup data based on the SMTP address associated with the team, select this option.

      • Operator: To define the text that each SMTP address has in common, select one of the available options, such as Contains or Ends With. You can also use a regular expression to define a pattern of text.

      • Value: Enter a string of text that each SMTP address has in common.

  10. To to save the rule, click Add.

  11. On the Content tab, click Next.

    The Office 365 Plan tab appears.

  12. From the Office 365 plan list, select a plan to back up this content, and then click Next.

    The Summary tab appears.

  13. Click Submit.