Creating a Subclient for NFS Exports of Azure NetApp Files

You can create a user-defined subclient to backup specific NFS exports for Azure NetApp Files.


  1. From the navigation pane, go to Protect > File Servers.

    The File Servers page appears.

  2. Click on the Azure NetApp Files client.

    The Azure NetApp Files client details page appears.

  3. Under Protocols, click NFS.

    The NFS page appears.

  4. In the Subclients section, on the right of the page, click Add subclient.

    The Add subclient page appears.

  5. In the Name box, enter a name for the subclient.

  6. From the Plan list, select the server plan to use for the subclient.

  7. On the Content tab, on the right of the page, click Browse.

  8. Select the access node and then click Browse.

  9. In the Select a path page, specify the content that you want to back up.

  10. By default, the content browse for NFS will be in auto-mounted format. For example, :/.

  11. Click Save.
