Importing a Certificate Authority Root Certificate Using the Commvault Certificate Tool on Linux

On Linux, to enable users to log on to the Command Center using a Common Access Card (CAC) or a client certificate, you must add a Certificate Authority (CA) root certificate to the Tomcat server.

Before You Begin

Obtain a certificate file (.cer or .crt) or a keystore file that contains the client certificate.


  1. From the command prompt, go to the Base folder.

    If you want to run commands from a different location, instead of using ./, you must provide the absolute path of the script.

  2. Enable login using a certificate file or a keystore file.

    • To use a certificate file, run the following command:

      ./ -trustcert-filename "<certificate-full-path>" configure-client-verification
    • To use a keystore file, run the following command:

      ./ -truststore-filename "<truststore-full-path>" -truststore-password "<password>" -truststore-type "<type>" configure-client-verification

      For example, if the truststore file is located at /some/folder/mytruststorefile.pfx and has a password of tiger, use the following command:

      ./ -truststore-filename "/some/folder/mytruststorefile.pfx" -truststore-password "tiger" -truststore-type "PKCS12" configure-client-verification
  3. To add the keystore that contains the revocation list, run the following command:

    ./ -trustcert-filename "<certificate-full-path>" -certificateRevocationList-filename "<revocation-list-full-path>" configure-client-verification
  4. Restart the Tomcat server.


A new certificateVerification=”optional” element appears in the corresponding server.xml file in the Web Console or Command Center computer.

What to Do Next

If necessary, you can disable client verification by running the following command:

cvcerttool.cmd -remove true configure-client-verification command.
