New Features for Backup Agents in Commvault Platform Release 2023

Comparing Objects on Active Directory and Azure Active Directory

When you perform restores, you can compare the data in two backups and you can compare the data in the most recent backup to the live data in the Azure Active Directory environment.

For more information, see Comparing Objects on Active Directory and Azure Active Directory.

Back Up and Restore Azure DevOps Services

In addition to Azure DevOps repositories, you can back up and restore Pipelines, Boards, Test Plans, and Artifacts.

For more information, see Azure DevOps.

Back Up and Restore Azure Table Storage

You can back up and restore Azure Table storage data from storage accounts across multiple Azure subscriptions and regions.

For more information, see Azure Table Storage.

Back Up and Restore Oracle Cloud Infrastructure File Storage

You can back up and restore NFS exports of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure File Storage using the Linux File System agent.

For more information, see Oracle Cloud Infrastructure File Storage.

Delete SQL Databases

You can delete a database in a SQL instance if you do not need to protect the database. After you delete the database, it is not available for restores.

For more information, see Deleting a SQL Database.

Enhancements to Support of SAP for Oracle

Commvault support of SAP for Oracle:

  • Support for Indexing Version 2 for improved performance of browse and backup operations.

  • You can perform only full instance backup and restore of multi-tenant databases.

  • You can perform only full instance restore for in-place and database copy for SAP on Oracle RAC.

For more information, see the following:

Export Large Azure SQL Databases Using Microsoft SQL Server Data-Tier Application Framework (DacFx)

You can export large Azure SQL databases to a local storage (staging path) that is attached to an access node using Microsoft SQL Server Data-Tier Application Framework (DacFx).

For more information, see Using a Staging Path for Exporting a Large Azure SQL Database.

Handle SAP Replication Takeovers for IntelliSnap Operations

With a change in cluster role after takeover in an SAP replication infrastructure, you can perform the SAP HANA IntelliSnap operations without any manual intervention.

Restore Tables from an Oracle or Oracle RAC Container Database

You can restore tables from an Oracle or Oracle RAC container database (CDB). You can restore tables back to the source database (in place) or to another database (out of place).

For more information, see the following:

Command Center:

CommCell Console:

Support for MongoDB Single Node Replica Set

For a single node replica set that has only a primary node, you can add the bMongoDBEnableBkpForSingleNodeRepSet additional setting to the client node that you want to back up.

For more information, see Configuring a MongoDB Client.

Use the CommCell Console To Specify Whether the Primary or Standby Oracle Data Guard Host Runs Data or Log Backups

You can create an Oracle Data Guard client from the CommCell Console by adding both the primary and standby instances to the configuration. This allows you to run database and archive log backups based on the instance role and to get a unified view of the database even after failover.

For more information, see Specifying the Servers that Run Backups in an Oracle Data Guard Configuration.
