Refine Search for Mail Messages

Applies to: Mailboxes that have content indexing enabled

You can refine search results.

The Refine Search pane groups filtering options together and indicates the number of messages (in brackets) in the results that match each option.

The options in the Refine Search pane vary according to the search results. For example, the options under the From filter group display sender names based on the folder that you selected for the search. Also, the number of search results will vary according to a selected filter.

By default, the All check box is selected for all the filters.

The filtering groups list the following:




The names of people who sent the resulting messages.


Messages that do and do not include attachments.

Email Folder

The names of folders where resulting messages are located.

Received Time

Messages that were received within a specific time range.


Messages whose size is within specified ranges.
