Setting a Laptop Plan to Retire (and Delete) Offline Laptops

You can set a laptop plan to automatically retire laptops that have not communicated with the CommServe server for a specified time period.

When offline laptops that have no associated backup data are retired, the laptops are then deleted. When offline laptops that have associated backup data are retired, after a period of time, the laptop and any associated data is deleted and cannot be restored. By default, the time period before deletion is one year, but you can configure the time period to a different length. Upgrading customers are not opted into this behavior automatically.


  1. From the navigation pane, go to Manage > Plans.

    The Plans page appears.

  2. In the Plan name column, click the laptop plan that you want to set to retire offline laptops.

    The plan properties page appears.

  3. Under Retire offline laptops, do the following:

    1. In the Retire laptops when they are offline box, specify the time period that you want to retire laptops after.

    2. In the Delete retired laptops box, specify the time period that you want to delete retired laptops after.


  • After the retirement time period completes, at midnight of the local CommServe server, the Commvault software does the following:

    • Deletes offline laptops that do not have associated backup data.

    • Retires (deconfigures) offline laptops that have associated backup data.

  • After the deletion time period completes, at midnight of the local CommServe server, the Commvault software deletes retired laptops.

Retiring a Laptop or Computer
