Adding Virtual Machines to Client Computer Groups Automatically



The Select VM Client Group option on the Advanced Options tab of the subclient properties is deprecated, and only appears if this option was previously configured. To achieve the same result, create a smart client group with the rule Clients discovered using VSA Subclient. Perform a Refresh to update the client group after adding this rule, or after discovering virtual machines while performing a backup. For more information. see Rules Available for Smart Client Computer Groups.


  1. Right-click the subclient and click Properties.

  2. In the Subclient Properties dialog box, click the Advanced Options tab.

  3. Select an existing client computer group from the Select VM Client Group list.

  4. Click OK.

  5. To update the list of VMs in the group, right-click the client computer group and select All Tasks > Refresh.


Virtual machines are displayed under the specified client computer group as well as the client group for the virtualization client. You can now perform client computer group operations on all the virtual machines added to the client computer group.