Backup Troubleshooting - SAP MaxDB iDataAgent


Scheduled log backup operation fails when log size is too small (or negligible)

Scheduled log backup operation fails with the following error message:

-24920,ERR_BACKUPOP: backup operation was unsuccessful 
 The database was unable to fulfill a request (-123, No more log to save)


When a log backup is scheduled using a script and if the log size is very small (or negligible), then the log backup operation fails.


Use the following command to check the log size on each log backup in script. If the log size is too small, then skip the log backup.

dbmcli -d <SID> -u '<LOGIN>,<PWD>' -c info log

SAP MaxDB command line operations do not invoke the backint program in a Windows environment


The SAP MaxDB and SAP on Oracle command line backup and restore operations do not invoke the backint program for the Commvault software in a Windows environment.


  1. Verify that the Commvault software installation path includes "Base" in the path. On the command line, type the following command:

    C:\Users\admin>echo %PATH% 
     %JRE_HOME%\bin;C:\Program Files\Java\jreXX.xx\bin;C:\Program Files\CommVault\ContentStore\Base

    where XX.xx is the Java version.

  2. Verify that the backint program is searchable from ENV. On the command line, type the following command:

    C:\Users\admin>where backint 
     C:\Program Files\CommVault\ContentStore\Base\backint.exe
  3. Verify that you can invoke the backint program and the output is similar to the following.

     backint -u <SID> [-f <backup | restore | inquire | delete>] [-t <file | file_online>] [-p <par_file>] [-i <in_file>] [-o <out_file>] [-c] [-v] 
     Default: -f backup, -t file 
     backint -u <SID> <-f summary> -p <par_file> [-i <in_file>] [-o <out_file>] [-v] 
     backint <-f createsldxml> <short_client_name> <oracle|maxdb>
  4. We recommend that you do not install multiple vendor backup software on the same machine that has the backint program.

A Command Line Backup Job Fails After the Data Phase Completes


A command line backup job fails after the data phase completes with the following error message in the dbm.ebl file.

2017-03-06 20:42:15 The database is working on the request. 
 2017-03-06 20:42:45 Canceling Utility-task after a timeout of 300 seconds elapsed ... OK. 
 2017-03-06 20:42:46 The database is working on the request


According to SAP note 1850469, for versions lower than SAP MaxDB, increase the value of the database parameter DBM_KTO_SUCCESS variable.

For information, go to the SAP help site, Setting DBM_KTO_SUCCESS .


The database SID name is maxdb.

bash-4.2# dbmcli -d maxdb -u dbadmin,dbadmin dbm_configset DBM_KTO_SUCCESS 3600

SAP MaxDB log backup jobs report Completed with Errors

For more information, see KB article 67026: SAP MaxDB log backup jobs report Completed with Errors.

Backup Failure

Improper group association is specified during installation

The SAP for MAXDB user (sdb) should belong to the same group as entered during the installation. Otherwise, SAP for MAXDB will not be able to record the transactions in backint_maxdb.log and will not be able to access the registry. For example; /etc/<>Registry. As a result, the backups will fail. Sometimes, the backup fails due to incorrect group permissions.

The following message would be logged in the <instanceName>/wrk/dbm.ebl file:

Instance [<instanceName>] Machine [<machName>] does not exist.

Select 'sys' group (sdb) do not belong to this group and as a result the backup fails during the Backup. Please follow the proper installation instructions to create < >group and reinstall all the < >packages on the client. Use group dba during the installation.

Also, make sure to add sdb/sdba to group dba in the file /etc/group.

If you need to change the < > Group as part of security administrations. Then follow the procedure given below:

  • edit < >_GROUP variable in < >/Base/pkginfo file

  • do a "chgrp –R < >", "chmod o-w" on all < >files

  • Restart the services.

Failure of Backups and Restores performed from a remote desktop on Windows

Currently, backups and restores cannot be performed from a remote desktop on Windows.

Use any one of the following solutions that suits your setup:

  • Login to remote desktop using the following command:

    mstsc /v:winclient /console
    • Use netmeeting

    • Use telnet

    • Use the clients console

External Backup Tool Errors

The file '/opt/< >/SapMaxDbAgent/in' already exists.

Execute the following commands:

<instance># ./dbmcli -d TEST2 -u dbm,dbm -uUTL -c backup_start BackLog
 -24927,ERR_TOOLCHK: external backup tool not found
 The file '/opt/galaxy/SapMaxDbAgent/in' already exists.
 <instance># rm /opt/galaxy/SapMaxDbAgent/in <instance># ./dbmcli -d TEST2 -u dbm,dbm -uUTL -c backup_start BackLog
-24927,ERR_TOOLCHK: external backup tool not found
The file '/opt/galaxy/SapMaxDbAgent/out' already exists.
<instance># rm /opt/galaxy/SapMaxDbAgent/out
<instance># ./dbmcli -d TEST2 -u dbm,dbm -uUTL -c backup_start BackLog
-24927,ERR_TOOLCHK: external backup tool not found
 The file '/opt/galaxy/SapMaxDbAgent/err' already exists.
 <instance># rm /opt/galaxy/SapMaxDbAgent/err
 <instance># ./dbmcli -d TEST2 -u dbm,dbm -uUTL -c backup_start BackLog

The file /Base/backint.exe is not executable.

In this situation, the configuration of BACKINT interface is incorrect. Configure the following parameter files to the exact location of the backint.exe.

D:\program files\sdb\programs\pgm>cat D:\MaxDB\sdb\config\backint.conf
 BACKINT "D:\< >\< >\Base\backint.exe"
INPUT "D:\MaxDB\sdb\config\in"
OUTPUT "D:\MaxDB\sdb\config\out"
 ERROROUTPUT "D:\MaxDB\sdb\config\err"
 PARAMETERFILE "D:\MaxDB\sdb\config\param"
 D:\program files\sdb\programs\pgm>

The file /SapMaxDbAgent/backint.conf is missing or unreadable.

Execute the following commands:

magnum-as-root> ./dbmcli -d TEST1 -u dbm,dbm -uUTL 
./dbmcli on TEST1>dbm_configset -raw BSI_ENV/oracle/galaxy/SapMaxDbAgent/backint.conf 



 ./dbmcli on TEST1>dbm_configset -raw set_variable_0 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/oracle/galaxy/Base 



 ./dbmcli on TEST1>dbm_configset -raw set_variable_1 SHLIB_PATH=/oracle/galaxy/Base 



 ./dbmcli on TEST1>quit 



 magnum-as-root> pwd 

