Browsing and Restoring Disaster Recovery (DR) Backups


You can browse and restore DR backups to retrieve Commserve Database dumps from the media.


  1. Right-click the CommServe icon, then click All Tasks > Disaster Recovery Restore > Restore.

    The Browse and Restore Options dialog box appears.

  2. Select and set the desired options, then click View Content.

    The latest data backed up by the DR subclient appears in the Client: client_name tab.

  3. Select items to restore by clicking the selection box to the left of each item name.

    The selection icons indicate these conditions:


    The item is not selected.


    The item is selected. If it is a folder, all child objects are selected also.

  4. Right-click a file or folder, then choose an action:

    • To restore a single item, click Restore Current Selected.

    • To restore all items currently selected, click Restore All Selected or click Recover All Selected button at the bottom of the tab.

    The Restore Options dialog box appears.


    Perform an out-of-place restore operation to another client or another folder. This will help you to easily identify the restored files.

  5. From the Destination client, select the name of the client to which you want to perform the restore.

  6. Optionally, clear the Restore to same folder option to restore to a different folder, and specify a new path in the Specify destination path box.

  7. Click OK.


The restore job will be started. You can monitor the progress of the job in the Job Controller.

What to Do Next