Change User Account (SharePoint Server)


Use this dialog box to view or change the Administrative Group Account parameters or SSO Account parameters set during the installation of the SharePoint Server or the parameters set during the installation of the SharePoint Server Agent . Perform this change when the:

  • Information entered during installation is incorrect

  • SharePoint Server SSO account or Administrative Group Account is changed

  • SharePoint Server is configured to use the Single Sign-on service after installation

Administrative Group Account

Displays the account for a domain user who is the user or a member of the user group specified for the SharePoint Administration Group. Use this space to modify this account.

SharePoint Document Account

Displays the account for the site in which this SharePoint Server resides. Use this space to change the account if it has changed and now differs from the one displayed here. Also change it here if the account was incorrectly entered during installation of the SharePoint Server iDataAgent.

(New) Password

Use this space to type either the correct account password or SSO account password if it is not already correct.

Confirm Password

Use this space to retype the password for confirmation.