Changing an Indexing MediaAgent Using the Change Index Server Workflow


You can use the Change Index Server workflow to change the MediaAgent used for indexing on clients or client groups. You can also use the Change Index Server workflow to move all of the indexing associations from one MediaAgent to another MediaAgent. This method is useful for bulk changes to indexing MediaAgent associations.


  • To use the Change Index Server workflow, you must have the Workflow Engine installed in your CommCell environment, and then download the Change Index Server workflow from the Commvault Store. For more information about workflows, see Workflow: Overview.

  • In order to change a MediaAgent, the new MediaAgent must have read/write access to a mount path in the client storage policy's default library.

  • If a primary indexing MediaAgent for a backupset/client is down for more than 30 minutes, the system automatically assigns the backupset/client to another available indexing MediaAgent, even if the backupset/client was specifically assigned to the indexing MediaAgentthat went down.


  1. Open the CommCell Console.

  2. In the CommCell Browser, click Workflows.

  3. In the Workflows tab, right-click Change Index Server and then click Execute.

    The Change Index Server Options dialog box appears.

  4. In the Run workflow on list, select a Workflow Engine.

  5. Next to Choose the Component, select one of the following CommCell entity types:

    • To point the backup sets of a list of clients from one index server to another index server, select Clients.

    • To point the backup sets of the clients within a client group from one index server to another index server, select Client Groups.

    • To point the backup sets associated to one index server to another index server, select MediaAgent.

  6. In the Agent list, select the agent that you want this change applied to, or select All if you want the change applied to all agents.

  7. Select Run index copy to copy the existing index to the new index server.

  8. Optional: To configure an alert for the workflow, click Advanced, and then add an alert. For more information, see Alerts and Notifications - Creating an Alert Rule.

  9. Optional: To schedule the workflow, click Job Initiation, and then select the schedule options. For more information, see Scheduling.

  10. Click OK.

    A dialog box appears.

  11. Click the CommCell entity list to select the entity for which you want to change the indexing MediaAgent. You can select multiple checkboxes to perform the operation on multiple clients.

  12. Click the New Index Server list, and then select the MediaAgent that you want to use for indexing operations on the selected CommCell entities.

  13. Click OK.