Changing UNIX Groups and Permissions on UNIX Clients


When you install the Commvault software for the first time on a client, you can set the UNIX group and access permissions for all the installation files, including registry entries.

If you need to change the UNIX group and access permissions settings that you configured during the installation, you can run the cvpkgchg utility to update the settings.


When secure UNIX access permissions are enabled, you cannot change group permissions and other user access permissions using the cvpkgchg utility. For more information, see Enabling Secure UNIX Access Permissions.

Updating UNIX group and access permissions settings is useful in the following situations:

  • You must set the permissions when you install a database agent on an existing client and the packages have different permissions.

  • You want to set a different group for your Commvault files and directories.

  • You want to change the access permissions for those users who are not part of the UNIX group. These users also known as "other users".

    For example, based on your security needs, you do not want other users to read and execute Commvault files.

  • You want to apply your current access permissions to newly installed files and directories. This is useful when you installed additional agents to the client, and the installed files are using different access permissions.


You cannot change the UNIX group and access permissions during subsequent agent installations on the same client:

  • If you perform a local installation by using the installation package, the installer does not prompt for the UNIX group again.

  • If you perform a remote installation by using the CommCell Console, any modification to the UNIX group and access permissions will not be applied to the client unless the Override Unix Group And Permissions checkbox is enabled.

Before You Begin

Ensure that no jobs are running on the client. For example, if you remove "write" permissions for the UNIX group, some Commvault directories will continue to have "write" permissions, which will allow backup and restore operations to complete.


You can run the cvpkgchg utility interactively or silently.

Interactive Procedure

  1. At the command prompt, go to the Software_Installation_Path/Base directory, and then run the following command:

  2. On the UNIX Group Assignment page, to assign a dedicated UNIX group for all Commvault processes, press Yes.

  3. On the UNIX Group Selection page, enter a name for the UNIX group, and then press Next.

  4. On the Permission Details page, set the access permissions for the UNIX group, and then press Next.

    Note: If snapshots are mounted within the Commvault installation directory, you might receive the following error:

    Executables(/opt/InstallDir) ... FAILED

    You can ignore the error and continue running the script.

  5. Click Finish.

Silent Procedure

At the command prompt, go to the Software_Installation_Path/Base directory, and then run the following command:

cvpkgchg [-i Instance] [-g GroupName] [-p Permissions]


  • Instance is the Commvault instance on which the command runs. If there is only one instance, then you do not need to specify the -i parameter.

  • GroupName is the UNIX group that you want to assign for Commvault files.

  • Permissions are the access permissions for users that are not part of the UNIX group. For example, to give -rwxr-xr-x permissions, enter 755.