Command Line Interface - Configuration - Active Directory iDataAgent


You can use the command line interface to configure your subclient for backup.

Log On to the CommServe

To run command line operations, you must first login to the CommServe.

From Command prompt, navigate to <Software_Installation_Directory>/Base and run the following command:

qlogin -cs <commserve name> -u <user name>

For example, to log on to CommServe 'server1' with username 'user1':

qlogin -cs server1 -u user1

Configuring a Subclient Using XML

Available Parameters for Subclient Configuration

The following table displays all the parameters you can use with the commands mentioned in the above sections. To add a parameter to your command, use the following syntax:

qoperation execute -af <template XML file> -<parameter name> <value>


Description of Parameter Values


Specifies the name of the application. In this case it would be 'Active Directory'.


Specifies the name of the client as displayed in the CommCell Browser (e.g., client1).


Specifies the name of the Active Directory instance (e.g., DefaultInstanceName).


Name of the backup set. If the backup set name is not specified in the command query, the default backup set is used by default.


Specifies the name of the Subclient (e.g. subclient1).


Specifies whether to enable encryption.

Valid values are:






Modification type. Valid values are

  • ADD, to add content to the subclient.

  • OVERWRITE, to overwrite contents to the subclient.

  • DELETE, to delete the contents from the subclient.


Specifies the Subclient description.


Option to allow backup. Set this to 'true'.


Number of Network Agents (e.g., 2). Valid vales are 1-4.


Specifies whether to enable compression on the Client or MediaAgent computer.

Valid values are:

  • ON_CLIENT, to enable software compression on the client

  • ON_MEDIAAGENT, to enable software compression on the MediaAgent

  • USE_STORAGE_POLICY_SETTINGS, to use the software compression options defined on the storage policy

  • OFF, to disable software compression


Enhancing backup performance by reducing network bandwidth overhead.

Valid values are 2-2147483647.


Specifies the data backup storage policy for the Oracle data backup.


Specifies whether to enable or disable deduplication.

Valid values are true/false.


Specifies whether deduplication is performed on the client or MediaAgent computer.

This can only be set when the "enableDeduplication" parameter is 'true'.

Valid values are:

  • ON_CLIENT, to enable signature generation on the client.

  • ON_MEDIA_AGENT, to enable signature generation on the MediaAgent.

  • OFF, to disable signature generation.


Specifies the script to run before a backup starts.


Specifies the script to run after the backup completes.


Specifies whether this process will execute for all attempts to run the phase.

Valid values are YES/NO.


Specifies the pre-process script to run before snapshot.


Specifies the post-process script to run after snapshot.


Option to specify the user name who has permissions to run the pre-process and post-process scripts. Valid values are:

  • USE_IMPERSONATION, to specify a user with enough privileges to run the scripts. When using this value, you also need to provide the user credentials:

    -prepostUserName/userName <user name> -prepostUserName/password <password>
  • USE_LOCAL_SYS_ADMIN, to use the administrator account to run the scripts.


Where to run the preSNAPCommand

Valid values are:

  • SOURCE - run the command on the source

  • PROXY - run the command on the proxy server


Where to run the preSNAPCommand

Valid values are:

  • SOURCE - run the command on the source

  • PROXY - run the command on the proxy server


Modification type. Valid values are

  • ADD, to add content to the subclient

  • OVERWRITE, to overwrite contents to the subclient.

  • DELETE, to delete the contents from the subclient.


Location of the content to be backed up. This parameter must be used along with the 'contentOperationType' parameter, for example:

-contentOperationType <value> -content/path '<path value>'

Note the following:

  • If you want to specify a wildcard to the content path, you must add '\/\/" (back and forward slash) at the end of the path to enable the detection of wildcard characters:

    -content/path 'datapath*\/\/'

  • If you are using a UNC path to specify the subclient content, you must also use the 'impersonateUser/userName' and 'impersonateUser/password' parameters to provide the credentials of a user account that has the required privileges to access the network share (where the content resides).

Creating a Subclient
  1. Download the create_subclient_template.xml file and save it on the computer from where the command will be executed.

  2. Execute the following command from the <Software_Installation_Directory>/Base folder after substituting the parameter values.

    qoperation execute -af create_subclient_template.xml -appName 'Active Directory' -clientName 'client1' -backupsetName 'defaultBackupSet' -subclientName 'subclient1'

Updating a Subclient
  1. Download the update_subclient_template.xml file and save it on the computer from where the command will be executed.

  2. Execute the following command from the <Software_Installation_Directory>/Base folder after substituting the parameter values.

    qoperation execute -af update_subclient_template.xml -appName 'Active Directory' -clientName 'client1' -backupsetName 'defaultBackupSet' -subclientName 'subclient1'

Getting Subclient Properties
  1. Download the get_subclient_template.xml file and save it on the computer from where the command will be executed.

  2. Execute the following command from the <Software_Installation_Directory>/Base folder after substituting the parameter values.

    qoperation execute -af get_subclient_template.xml -appName 'Active Directory' -clientName 'client1' -backupsetName 'defaultBackupSet' -subclientName 'subclient1'

Deleting a Subclient
  1. Download the delete_subclient_template.xml file and save it on the computer from where the command will be executed.

  2. Execute the following command from the <Software_Installation_Directory>/Base folder after substituting the parameters values.

    qoperation execute -af delete subclient_template.xml -appName 'Active Directory' -clientName 'client1' -backupsetName 'defaultBackupSet' -subclientName 'subclient1'

Available Commands

The following section provides a list of commands that can be used by the Active Directory iDataAgent.


Before you run a command, make sure to log on to the CommServe computer using the qlogin command. Similarly, use the qlogout command to log off from the CommServe computer.

Qcreate Backupset

This command creates a new backup set under the given client and agent.

The qcreate backupset command also allows the user to create default backup sets and on-demand backup sets. The default subclient created under the backup set can also be associated with a storage policy. If a storage policy name is not included, the subclient remains unassigned.

Upon successful completion, qcreate backupset displays the message "Created backupset successfully" on the command prompt. In case of an error, an error code and description are displayed as: "backupset: Error errorcode: errordescription"

qcreate backupset -c client -a dataagenttype -i instance -n backupset [-sp storagepolicy] [-t NORMAL|DEFAULT|ONDEMAND] [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-af Argument Filepath] [-h]


Client computer name


Agent type installed on client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types)


Instance name, required for certain agents


Name of the backup set to be created


Type of backup set (NORMAL, DEFAULT, or ONDEMAND)


Storage policy name with which default subclients are to be associated


Reads token from a file


Token string


Reads arguments from a file


Displays help

Argument File


Client computer name


Agent type installed on client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types)


Backup set name to be created


Storage policy name to be associated with all subclients in the backup set


Backup set type (NORMAL, DEFAULT, or ONDEMAND)


Compression at client or MediaAgent (CLIENT|MA)


Number of network agents


Prebackup command name


Postbackup command name


Prescan command name


Postscan command name


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.

1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.

2 - Any other failure.


Create a backup set with name backupset1 under client client1 and Agent Q_ACTIVEDIR.

qcreate backupset -c client1 -a Q_ACTIVEDIR -n backupset1
Qcreate Subclient

This command creates a new subclient under a specified client and agent. The instance name and backup set name are required for certain agents, and should be specified when applicable.

The new subclient will be associated with the specified storage policy and content. If you want to enable deduplication, create the [singleinst] section in the Argument file and specify whether deduplication should be performed in the MediaAgent or the Client.

Upon successful completion, the qcreate subclient command displays the message "Created subclient successfully" on the command prompt. In case of an error, an error code and description are displayed as: "subclient: Error errorcode: errordescription"

qcreate subclient -c client -a dataagenttype -b backupset -i instance -n subclient -sp storagepolicy -f content1 [-f content2 -f content3 ..] [-wc y|n] [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-af argsfilepath] [-h]


Client computer name


Agent type installed on client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types)


Backup set name, required for certain agents


Instance name, required for certain agents


Name of the subclient to be created


Name of the storage policy to be associated with the subclient


File/Directory Path to be included as content in the new subclient. See syntax to specify multiple content.


Does File/Directory Paths have wildcards (y|n)


Reads token from a file


Token string


Reads arguments from a file


Displays help

Argument File


Client computer name


Agent type installed on client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types)


Backup set name


Subclient name to be created


Number of data readers


Storage policy name to be associated with the subclient.


Subclient content (list of files/directories).


Compression at client or MediaAgent (CLIENT|MA)


Number of Network Agents


PreBackup command name


PostBackup command name


Prescan command name


PostScan command name


Wildcard characters


MediaAgent or Client


User-defined description


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.

1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.

2 - Any other failure.


Create a subclient with name subclient1 under client client1, iDataAgent Q_ACTIVEDIR and backup set backupset1 with content c:\ and storage policy sp1.

qcreate subclient -c client1 -a Q_ACTIVEDIR -b backupset1 -n subclient1 -f "c:\" -sp sp1
Qinfo Backupset

This command displays information about a given backup set. If the agent supports instances above backup sets, only the backup sets under the specified instance are listed.

In case of an error, an error code and description are displayed as: "backupset: Error errorcode: errordescription"

qinfo backupset -c client -a dataagenttype -i instance -b backupset [-desc] [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


Client computer name


Agent type installed on client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types)


Instance name, required for a few agents


Backup set name


Displays description provided by the user

To display the entire user description for the backup set without any other information, be sure to include the -desc option when you run the command. Otherwise, all the requested information along with only a partial description will be displayed.


Reads token from a file


Token string


Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.

1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.

2 - Any other failure.


Display information about a backup set backupset1 in client client1 and Agent Q_ACTIVEDIR.

qinfo backupset -c client1 -a Q_ACTIVEDIR -b backupset1

Sample Output:

Name         : backupset1
 Default      : Yes
 OnDemand     : No
 Description  : Backup Set description
Qinfo Subclient

This command displays information about a subclient under a specified client, agent, and instance/backup set. The backup set name and instance name should be specified based on the agent, as certain agents place subclients under backup sets, and others place them under the instance.

In case of an error, an error code and description are displayed as: "subclient: Error errorcode: errordescription"

qinfo subclient -c client -a dataagenttype -i instance -b backupset -s subclient [-desc] [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


Client computer name


Agent type installed on client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types)


Instance name, required for a few agents


Backup set name, required for a few agents


Subclient name


Displays description provided by the user

To display the entire user description for the backup set without any other information, be sure to include the -desc option when you run the command. Otherwise, all the requested information along with only a partial description will be displayed.


Reads token from a file


Token string


Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.

1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.

2 - Any other failure.


Display information about a subclient subclient1 in the client client1, Agent Q_ACTIVEDIR and backup set backupset1.

qinfo subclient -c client1 -a Q_ACTIVEDIR -b backupset1 -s subclient1

Sample Output:

Name            : subclient1
 Default         : Yes
 Storage Policy  : my_sp
 Description     : Subclient description
Qlist Backupset

This command lists the names of all the backup sets in the specified client and agent. If the agent supports instances above the backup set level, then only the backup sets under the specified instance are listed. Whenever more than one backup set is found, each backup set is listed in its own line on the command prompt. No message is displayed whenever backup sets are not found.

In case of an error, an error code and description are displayed as: "backupset: Error errorcode: errordescription"

qlist backupset -c client -a dataagenttype -i instance [-tf tokenfile][-tk token] [-h]


Client computer name


Agent type installed on client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types)


Instance name, required for certain agents


Reads token from a file


Token string


Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.

1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.

2 - Any other failure.


List all the Backup sets in the client client1, agent MyDataAgent.

qlist backupset -c client1 -a MyDataAgent

The output for the qlist backupset command is:

Qlist Subclient

This command lists the names of all the subclients in a specified client, agent, and instance/backup set. Whenever more than one subclient is found, each subclient is listed in its own line on the command prompt. No message is displayed whenever subclients are not found.

In case of an error, an error code and description are displayed as: "subclient: Error errorcode: errordescription"

qlist subclient -c client -a dataagenttype -i instance -b backupset [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


Client computer name


Agent type installed on client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types)


Instance name, required for certain agents


Backup set name, required for certain agents


Reads token from a file


Token string


Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.

1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.

2 - Any other failure.


List all the Subclients in the client client1, Agent Q_ACTIVEDIR and backup set backupset1.

qlist subclient -c client1 -a Q_WIN_2KFS -b backupset1

Sample Output:

Qmodify Subclient

This command modifies the storage policy, content, or user-defined description of a given subclient.

Upon successful completion, the qmodify subclient command displays the message "Modified subclient successfully" on the command prompt. In case of an error, an error code and description are displayed as: "subclient: Error errorcode: errordescription"


To use this command, you must ensure that the QCMD_SUPPORT_MODIFY_SUBCLIENT additional setting is set to 1.

qmodify subclient -c client -a dataagenttype -i instance -b backupset -s subclient -sp storagepolicy -f content [-ow overwrite] [-drs datareaders] [-wc y|n] [-af ArgumentFilepath] [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


Client computer name


Agent type installed on client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types)


Instance name, required for a few agents


Backup set name, required for a few agents


Name of the subclient to be modified


Name of the storage policy to be associated with the subclient


File/Directory Path to be added to the existing content

When using the -f content option, you must verify that the subclient content is in the correct format path. This command does not enforce the content format, and any path (including an incorrect path) can be specified. This may result in incorrect content being assigned to a file system subclient and a "pending" subclient scan.


Do file/directory paths have wildcards (y|n)


If the contents needs to be overwritten (0:1)


Number of data readers


Input file containing arguments


Reads token from a file


Token string


Displays help

Argument File


Client computer name


Agent type installed on source client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types)


Instance name to which the subclient belongs, required for certain agents


Backup set name to which the subclient belongs, required for certain agents


Name of the subclient to be modified


New storage policy for the subclient


List of files/directories to be added to the existing content

The content option is supported for file system Agents. Although, changing the storage policy association of a subclient is supported for all agents.


Number of data readers


Do file/directory paths have wildcards (y|n)


User-defined description


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.

1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.

2 - Any other failure.


Modify a subclient with name subclient1 under client client1 and Agent Q_ACTIVEDIR and backup set backupset1 by changing its storage policy to sp1.

qmodify subclient -c client1 -a Q_ACTIVEDIR -b backupset1 -s subclient1 -sp sp1
Qdelete Client

This command can be used to deconfigure and/or delete a client, along with its agents.

By default, the qdelete client command asks for confirmation before deleting the client. You can skip the confirmation prompt with the -y option.

Upon successful completion, qdelete client displays the message "Deleted the client successfully" on the command prompt. In case of an error, an error code and description are displayed as: "client: Error errorcode: errordescription"

qdelete client [-cs <commserve_host_name>] -c <client> [-deconfigure] [-y] [-tf <tokenfile>] [-tk <token>] [-af <clientfile>] [-h]


CommServe host name


Client computer name


Deconfigures a client without deleting it


Delete without confirmation


Reads token from a file


Token string


Reads client name from a file


Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.

1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.

2 - Any other failure.

  • Delete a client with name client1.

    qdelete client -c client1
     This command deconfigures and deletes a client, do you want to continue (y/n)? [n]
  • Deconfigure, but do not delete, a client with name client1

    qdelete client -c client1 -deconfigure -y
  • Delete a set of clients specified in an argument file.

    qdelete client -af "E:\clients.txt"

    In this example, clients.txt is a text file containing a list of client names. Ensure that the file is in the following format:



You can mass-delete clients with or without their associated MediaAgents using the qdelete client command. You can include this command (along with the qdelete mediaagent command, if desired) in a script. Mass deletion of these items is useful if you want to remove them after a split of a CommCell. To mass-delete items where the CommCell is not split, be sure to run the script from the install location of the CommServe.

Qdelete dataagent

This command deconfigures or deletes the specified agent.

By default, the qdelete dataagent command asks for confirmation before deletion. You can skip the confirmation prompt using the "-y" option.

Upon completion, qdelete dataagent displays a message that the agent was successfully deleted on the command prompt. In case of an error, an error code and description are displayed as: "dataagent: Error errorcode: errordescription"

qdelete dataagent -c client -a agent [-deconfigure] [-y] [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


Client computer name


The agent to be deleted (see Argument Values - Agent Types)


Deconfigures the agent without deleting it


Delete without confirmation


Reads token from a file


Token string


Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.

1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.

2 - Any other failure.

  • Delete an agent named MyDataAgent under client client1.

    qdelete dataagent -c client1 -a MyDataAgent
    This command deconfigures and deletes an agent, do you want to configure (y/n)
  • Deconfigure an agent named MyDataAgent under client client1 without any confirmation.

    qdelete client -c client1 -a MyDataAgent -deconfigure - y
Qdelete Backupset

This command deletes a given backup set.

When the backup set to be deleted contains archived data, the command asks the user to confirm the deletion. This prevents the user from accidentally removing backup sets that may have archive jobs. If you want to skip the confirmation prompt, you can use the "-skc" option.

Upon successful completion, the qdelete backupset command displays the message "Deleted backupset successfully" on the command prompt. In case of an error, an error code and description are displayed as: "backupset: Error errorcode: errordescription"

qdelete backupset -c client -a dataagenttype -b backupset [-skc] [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-af ArgumentFilepath] [-h]


Client computer name


Agent type installed on client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types)


Name of the backup set to be deleted


Skips the confirmation prompt to delete the backup set if archived data is found on the backup set.


Reads token from a file


Token string


Reads arguments from a file


Displays help

Argument File


Client computer name


Agent type installed on client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types)


Backup set name to be deleted


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.

1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.

2 - Any other failure.


Delete a backupset with name bs1 under client client1 and Agent MyDataAgent.

qdelete backupset -c client1 -a MyDataAgent -b bs1
Qdelete Subclient

This command deletes a given subclient.

Upon successful completion, the qdelete subclient command displays the message "Deleted subclient successfully" on the command prompt. In case of an error, an error code and description are displayed as: "subclient: Error errorcode: errordescription"

qdelete subclient -c client -a dataagenttype -b backupset -s subclient [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-af ArgumentFilepath] [-h]


Client computer name


Agent type installed on client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types)


Name of the backup set


Name of the subclient to be deleted


Reads arguments from a file


Reads token from a file


Token string


Displays help

Argument File


Client computer name


Agent type installed on client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types)


Backup set name


Subclient name to be deleted


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.

1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.

2 - Any other failure.


Delete a subclient with name subclient1 under client client1, Agent Q_ACTIVEDIR and backupset backupset1.

qdelete subclient -c client1 -a Q_ACTIVEDIR -b backupset1 -s subclient1