Configuration of the SQL Server Agent


After installing the SQL Server Agent, you can configure the following components on the CommCell Console:

  • Agents

  • Instances

  • Subclients

Agent Configuration

Agents are software modules that are installed on computers to access and protect data. The backup and recovery system uses agents to interface with databases for backing up data on production systems.

You can perform the following tasks from the agent level:

  • Set the user account at the agent level to perform backup and restore operations.

    For more information, see Configuring User Accounts for the SQL Server Agent.

  • Configure the options in the agent properties to customize SQL backup operation.

    On the CommCell Console ribbon, click the Home tab, and then click Control Panel. In the User pane, click SQL iDataAgent. The SQL Agent Configuration dialog box is displayed. On the SQL Agent Configuration (SQL Configuration), select the check boxes to customize SQL database and log backup operations as per your environment.

Instance Configuration

An instance is a logical entity used to manage backup and restore operations for all the databases created within that instance.

After installing the SQL Server Agent, you can discover existing instances available in the SQL Server automatically. If you do not want future instances to be automatically discovered, you can disable the automatic instance discovery.

For more information on configuring instances, see Instances for the SQL Server Agent.

Subclient Configuration

A default subclient is created for each instance after the installation of the SQL Server Agent. A default subclient backs up the data of an entire instance.

When you run the first backup on a default subclient, all the databases in the instance are automatically discovered and assigned to the default subclient.

You can choose to disable the automatic discovery of databases and create user-defined subclients to logically group databases.

For more information on configuring subclients and subclient content, see Subclients for the SQL Server Agent.