Configuring Activity Connectors


Activity connectors are directional arrows in the Workflow diagram which specify the order of the activities in the Workflow.

You can update the properties of an activity connector in the workflow design area. Unless some conditions need to be specified, you are not required to configure its properties as most connectors play the role of indicating the next activity to be executed.

The properties for an activity connector can be accessed as follows:

  • By selecting the connector. The activity connector properties are displayed below the workflow design area.

  • By right-clicking the connector and then clicking Properties. The activity connector properties are displayed in a dialog box.


The following sections describe the steps to configure activity connectors.

Setting the Start and End Points

By default, when you drag an activity to the design area, a new connector will automatically appear pointing from the last activity to the recently added activity. If you want to connect the new activity with a different one in the Workflow, then do the following:

  1. Delete the connector using the Delete key in your keyboard.

  2. Click the center of the preceding activity and pull a new connector to point to the new activity as shown below.


Setting Conditional Transitions

You can configure the properties of an activity connector if you want to specify conditional paths in the Workflow.

Use the following steps to set conditions for a connector using the 'true' or 'false' condition as an example:

  1. From the workflow design area, right-click the connecting arrow and then click Properties.

  2. For the Display Name property, specify the name of the condition in the Value column.

    For example, the name can be "success" if this condition represents the success scenario.

  3. Based on the previous activity, set the condition for the connector:

    Previous Activity





    Execute when condition is

    To follow this condition when the Decision expression evaluates to false, select false as the value.


    Execute when condition is

    The value of the expression that the Switch activity evaluates to. See Defining Activity Inputs Using Expressions.


    You can set a default transition if the conditional value returns false.


    Execute if previous activity status is

    To continue to the next activity when the previous activity executed successfully, select Successful as the value.

  4. If your connectors starts from an activities other than the Decision or Switch activity and you want to use Java or JavaScript to specify expressions to determine the activity transition, click the Condition tab.

    The expression in the Condition tab must return a Boolean value. To refer to the previous activity, use the activity variable.

    In the following example, the expression fails the Workflows if the previous activity did not complete successfully:

    activity.exitCode != 0;

    Note: The Condition tab is not available for activity connectors that start from a Decision or Switch activity because the condition is specified in the activity itself.

  5. Click OK.