Configuring Linked Mailboxes for End Users in the CommCell Console


To give end users access to linked mailboxes from the Web Console, configure linked mailboxes for end users in the CommCell Console.


The Exchange Agent will protect the linked mailbox from the Exchange Server which resides in the Resource domain.

For example, UserDomain\User1 is an Active Directory user from the user domain, and ResourceDomain\MBUser is a user from the resource domain where the Exchange server resides. If User1 wants to view a linked mailbox for MBUser in the Web Console, the user domain and the resource domain must be linked in the Commvault software, and User1 must have the End Users role on the user domain.


  1. From the CommCell Browser, go to Security.

  2. Right-click Domains, and then select Add new domain > Active Directory.

    The Add New Domain Controller dialog box appears.

  3. Enter the information about the domain controller:

    1. In the NetBIOS Name box, enter the domain name.

      For example, enter mydomain.

    2. In the Domain Name box, enter the fully qualified domain name (FQDN).

      For example, enter

    3. Beside the User Account box, click Edit.

      The Enter User Account Information dialog box appears.

    4. Enter the user account information.

      The user account must have at least read access to the domain.

    5. From the Resource Domain list, select the resource domain where the Exchange server is located.

    6. Click OK.

  4. From the CommCell Browser, select the domain that you created, and then double-click Users.

    The Users tab appears.

  5. Double-click the user that you want to give access to linked mailboxes.

    The User Properties dialog box appears.

  6. Click the Associated Entities tab, and then expand the Domains and Organizations box.

    The list of domains and organizations appears.

  7. Select the domain that you created.

  8. From the Role list, select End Users.

  9. Click OK.


From the Web Console, users can access linked mailboxes in the domain that you created.