Configuring Permissions for the Windows Oracle Home User


In a Windows configuration that uses Oracle 12c or a more recent Oracle version, you must grant full control permission for the Oracle home user for the Commvault folder. Without these permissions, backup jobs will fail to complete on Windows-based Oracle databases.

The Oracle home user is the user that starts the Oracle service (OracleService<SID>).


Make sure that the Oracle user is part of the administrator group and the ora_dba group. If the user is not part of the administrator group, assign permissions for the user:

  1. Grant full control permission for the ContentStore folder.

    1. From Windows Explorer or File Explorer, right-click the ContentStore folder and select Properties.

    2. Click the Security tab.

    3. Select the user and click Edit or click Add if the user does not exist.

  2. Select the Allow check box for Full Control permission for the user and then click OK.

  3. Grant full control permission for the CommVault registry:

    1. From the Registry Editor, navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE | SOFTWARE.

    2. Right click CommVault Systems and select Permissions....

    3. Select the user and click Edit or click Add if the user does not exist.

  4. When UAC is enabled, add the user to the Local Security Policy:

    1. From Local Security Policy, navigate to User Right Assignment.

    2. Right-click Impersonate a client after authentication and then select Properties.

    3. Click Add User or Group and then click OK.