Content Indexing Job Detail (General)


Use this dialog box to view the job details of an Exchange Mailbox Agent content indexing job. The General tab provides overall information about the job.

Job ID

A unique number allocated by the Job Manager that identifies this job.


The type of operation. In this case, it is Content Indexing.

Client Name

The name of the client where the job was run.

Backup Set

The backup set type from which the job was run.


The name of the subclient where the job was run.

Percent complete

The progress status of the job at the present time.

Start Time

The date and time of the CommServe when this operation started.

Estimated Completion Time

The time that the Job Manager has estimated that this job will take to complete.


The job priority that is assigned to this job.


Displays the job status of this job. For descriptions of job statuses, see Job Status Descriptions.

Last Job Update Time

The last time the Job Manager updated this job.

Job Started By

The name of the CommCell user who initiated this job.

Job Started From

Indicates how this job was started. For example, from a CommCell Console, Web Start application, manually (Interactive), or from a scheduled job.

Index Server

The name of the index server where the job was run.

Total Items Processed

The total number of items that were content indexed.

Items Skipped

The number of items that were skipped during the job.

Failed Mailboxes

The number of mailboxes that failed to be content indexed during the job.

Successful Mailboxes

The number of mailboxes that were successfully content indexed during the job.

No. of Success

The total number of items that were successfully content indexed.

No. of Failures

The total number of items that failed to be content indexed.


Use this field to enter a description about the job. This description can include information about the content, cautionary notes, and so on.

Reason for Job delay

Includes a detailed description of the reason why thejob might be pending, waiting, or failing. Reasons can include resource contention, media issues, application-specific errors, or operation control issues. Click the Error Code to review a troubleshooting article about the error.