ContentStore Mail Server (IMAP)


You can give end users access to backed up or archived messages on mobile devices that support an IMAP client. As the administrator, you must install and set up the ContentStore Mail Server (IMAP), which is based on IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol). End users set up an IMAP client on their devices to view the archived messages.

The messages are cached locally on the end user's device (that is, on the IMAP client). New messages are pushed to the device as they are backed up or archived and content indexed.

You can provide access to either mailbox messages or journaled messages; not both. By default, you provide access to mailbox messages. If you want to provide access to journaled messages, you must configure the ContentStore Mail Server (IMAP) accordingly.

Before You Begin

  • Before you set up the ContentStore Mail Server (IMAP):

    • Install and configure the Web Server.

    • Install and configure the Web Console. Make sure that the Web Console is accessible across firewalls so that the end user can preview and download attachments.

    • Install and configure Search Engine.

    • Optional: The ContentStore Mail Server (IMAP) only allows end users to download messages. You must configure an SMTP server to allow end users to reply, reply all, and forward downloaded messages.

      • You must use a separate SMTP server (either new or existing).

      • You can use the Exchange server or a different server as your SMTP server.

      • If you must journal messages, but you use a non-Exchange server as your SMTP server, make sure that you have configured the rules so that forwarded messages are journaled.


        If you do not require an SMTP server, provide your end users with a dummy value for the SMTP server. They will need this to set up their IMAP client access.

    • Assign the role security permissions for the agent or the backupset. Use the permissions that are defined for the End User role.

    • Configure component communications through firewalls.

  • Messages must be content indexed.

  • Install the SSL certificate on the ContentStore Mail Server (IMAP). Use a digital certificate signed by the Certificate Authority (CA), and not a self-signed certificate. Make sure that the SSL port 143 or 993 is open. Port 993 is available only after the SSL certificate is installed.


Messages cannot be deleted or moved on the server regardless of what the IMAP clients allow.