Create New Archiving Policy (Advanced)


Applies to: User Mailbox

Use this dialog box to create a new Exchange archiving policy. Use the Advanced tab to define extra archiving options.

Track stub movement

When the check box is selected, if a stub is moved to another folder, the corresponding archived message appears in the new location when you browse to it.

When the check box is cleared, the corresponding archived message still appears in the original location when you browse to it. However, if the check box is cleared after a stub is moved, the corresponding archived message appears in the most recently tracked location when you browse to it.

Use Exchange restrictions

When the check box is selected, any filters that you specified in the policy are applied by the Exchange server.

When the check box is cleared, any filters that you specified the policy are applied by the Exchange Mailbox Agent.

Additional message metadata

  • Collect the conversation index

    Select this check box to allow your end users to configure conversation view in the ContentStore Email Viewer.

  • Collect categories

    Select this check box to allow your end users see message categories in the ContentStore Email Viewer.

Time Range

The time range specifies the start date and the end date of the archiving operation. This option must be used when you do not want to back up messages older than a certain date.

If only the start date is specified, the messages are archived beginning from that date and the previous messages are not considered for the archiving operation.

The time range specified will take precedence over any time rules specified in the Archive messages that meet this criteria section under the Messages tab.

  • Start Date

    Specifies the start date of the archiving operation.

  • End Date

    Specifies the end date of the archiving operation.