Create New Cleanup Policy (Quota)


Applies to: User Mailbox

Use this dialog box to create a new Exchange cleanup policy. Use the Quota tab to define when cleanup occurs based on media usage.

Used disk space

When the check box is selected, messages are deleted or stubbed when a specific percentage of Exchange server space is used.

  • Clean up messages when disk space reaches n% of total volume

    Messages are deleted from the Exchange server or stubbed when the specified percentage of the total disk volume is reached.

Mailbox quotas

When this check box is selected, messages are deleted or stubbed when the percentage of the mailbox quota that is defined on the Exchange server is exceeded.

  • Start cleaning up messages when mailbox size reaches n% of assigned quota

    The cleanup operation starts when the specified percentage of the assigned quota is exceeded.

  • Stop cleaning up messages when mailbox size reaches n% of assigned quota

    The cleanup operation stops when the specified percentage of assigned quota is reached.

  • Cleanup the oldest messages first

    This option determines in which order messages are processed.

    When the check box is cleared, messages that qualify for cleanup are processed as they become available, regardless of age. This is the default setting.

    When the check box is selected, during the cleanup operation, if a mailbox exceeds the value that you set in the Start cleaning up messages when mailbox size reaches n% of assigned quota option, all the messages that qualify for cleanup are processed by age (the oldest first) until the mailbox reaches the value set in the Stop cleaning up messages when mailbox size reaches n% of assigned quota option.

    Selecting this option might cause the cleanup operation to take more time to complete.