Create New Cleanup Policy (Source Pruning)


Applies to: User Mailbox

Use this dialog box to create a new Exchange cleanup policy. Use the Source Pruning tab to define whether stubs and messages are pruned from the mailbox on the Exchange server.


Based on the settings that you define on this tab, messages are pruned whether or not they have been archived. To prevent unprotected messages from being pruned from the Exchange server, make sure that you have disabled the source pruning rules on the Source Pruning tab.

Prune from mailbox on Exchange server

By default, stubs and messages are pruned every 30 days. However, you can modify the pruning time by using the StubPruneFrequency additional setting.

The selected mailbox types are included in the cleanup operation.

  • Stubs

    When the check box is selected, stubs are pruned.

  • Messages

    When the check box is selected, messages are pruned.

  • Older than n years n months n days based on received time

    The items that you selected are pruned the specified number of years, months, and days after their received time.