Creating a Laptop Backup Installation Package for UNIX


Use the following procedure to create a package configured for UNIX laptop computers.

Before You Begin

  • Download the latest Commvault software by using the Download Manager application. The application bundles an installation package with the software that you choose to download. You need the installation package to create the laptop package.

    For more information, see Download Manager. During the creation of the installation package, make sure to include the File System Core.

  • Make sure that the computer where you plan to create the laptop package can connect to the CommServe computer. If there is no connectivity between the computers, the options to configure laptops, subclient policies and storage policies might not be available during the package creation.


  1. Log on to a UNIX computer as root.

  2. Run the following command from the installation package or mount point:


    To run the installation as a SUDO user with root privileges, use the following command:

    ./sudo cvpkgadd
  3. On the Install Task dialog, select Create custom package and then click Next.

  4. On the Custom Package Type dialog, select General package only and then click Next.

  5. On the Platform Selection dialog, select the operating systems that you want the laptop package to support, and then click Next.

  6. On the Package Selection dialog, select File System Core and then click Next.

  7. On the Custom Package Directory dialog, specify the location where you want to create the laptop package, and then click Next.

  8. On the Summary dialog, review your selections and then click Next.

  9. On the Record Answers dialog, select Yes to record your answers and then click Next.

  10. On the Instance Page dialog, enter 1 to use Instance001. This configuration prevents users from installing multiple instances of the laptop package on the same computer.

  11. On the Package Selection dialog, select File System Core to automatically select the software during the installation, and then click Next.

  12. On the Client Host Information dialog, accept the default value and then click Next.

  13. On the Client Information dialog, accept the default value and then click Next.

  14. On the Install Directory dialog, specify the location where you want the laptop package to install the software, and then click Next.

  15. On the Log Directory dialog, specify the location where you want the laptop package to create the logs, and then click Next.

  16. On the Laptop & Desktop Backup dialog, select Yes and then click Next.

  17. On the UNIX Group Assignment dialog, specify whether you want to assign a dedicated UNIX group for all Commvault processes.

    • If you want to assign a UNIX group, do the following:

      1. Select Yes and then click Next.

      2. On the UNIX Group Selection dialog, enter the name of the UNIX group and then click Next.

    • If you do not want to assign a UNIX group, select No and then click Next.

  18. On the Permissions Details dialog, accept the default values. However, if you did not assign a dedicated UNIX group, you must set sufficient access permissions for other users (other than root users). Click Next to continue.

  19. On the Install Agents for Restore Only dialog, select No and then click Next.

  20. On the Summary dialog, review your selections and then click Next.

  21. On the Configure the Client dialog, perform one of the following steps:

    • If you can connect to the CommServe computer, configure the package with the necessary client settings. Select Yes and then click Next.

    • If you cannot connect to the CommServe computer, configure the package for decoupled installation. Select No, click Next, and then continue with step 27, below.


      In a decoupled installation, the computer where the package is installed does not establish connections with the CommServe computer. After the installation, the computer must be registered. For information about registering the computer, see Registering Laptops.

  22. On the Server Information dialog, enter the CommServe hostname port using one of the following formats:

    • If the tunnel port of the CommServe server is 8403, use the following: Hostname

    • If the tunnel port of the CommServe server is anything other than 8403, use the following: Hostname:Port_Number


      If you want to enter the port as an IPv6 address, use the following format: [2001:db8::216:cbff:xx:xx]:8080

  23. On the CommServe Per-Client Certificate dialog, if the CommServe requires a client certificate to register the computer, select Yes to provide the location where the client certificates are available. Click Next to continue.

  24. If prompted, on the CommServe Authentication page, specify your CommCell credentials.


    This page is displayed only if you enabled user authentication on the CommServe computer.

  25. On the Configure the Client Group dialog, if you want to associate the laptop to a client group, select the client group and then click Next.

  26. On the Configure the Subclient Policy dialog, select the laptop subclient policy and then click Next.

  27. On the Installation Status dialog, click Finish.

    The laptop package is available in the location that you specified during the package creation.