Creating a SharePoint Document Subclient from the Command Line Interface


Use XML to create a new subclient.

You can include the XML parameters in the xml file, or you can specify them on the command line when they frequently change.

For more information about command line parameters and XML elements, see Command Line - Syntax.


QCommand is not supported for adding SharePoint Online subclients.


  1. Run the qlogin command to log on to the CommServe computer.

  2. Download the create_subclient_template.xml file to the computer where you will run the command.

  3. Open the create_subclient_template.xml file, add your specific parameters, and save the file.

    For more information about XML parameters for subclient configuration, see Elements Available for SharePoint Subclient Configuration from the Command Line Interface.

  4. Run the following command from the software_installation_directory/Base directory.

    qoperation execute –af create_subclient_template.xml -appName "SharePoint Server" -clientName "xxxxx" -instanceName defaultInstance -backupsetName Documents -subclientName "xxxxx"