DB2 High Availability Disaster Recovery (HADR)


In a High Availability Disaster Recovery (HADR) environment, the data is continually replicated from the source (primary) database to the target (standby) database by using the DB2 transaction logs. If something happens to the primary database, then the standby database is immediately ready to take over for the primary database.

Perform the following configuration procedure, backup procedure, and restore procedure to use DB2 HADR with the Commvault software.

DB2 High Availability Disaster - DB2 Automated Failover Using the IBM Tivoli System Automation (TSA) with a Virtual IP Address

Before You Begin

Make sure that you have configured all databases according to the IBM HADR specifications.


  1. Install the DB2 Agent on the primary database server and standby database server. To install DB2 iDA on participating nodes, you need to follow step1 and step2 from Getting Started with the DB2 Agent.


    you must use the same Commvault installation path on the primary database server and the standby database server.

  2. Configure the cluster server on the CommServe and add the primary database server and standby database server. For information on the cluster configuration, see Cluster Configuration - Overview.

    Use the following values when you configure the cluster.

  3. Option


    New Unix Cluster Client dialog box, Client Name box

    The name of the virtual client.

    New Unix Cluster Client dialog box, Host Name box

    The full name of the virtual client.

    Advanced Client Properties dialog box, Cluster Configuration tab, Nodes tab, Available box

    The DB2 HADR clients.

    Advanced Client Properties dialog box, Cluster Configuration tab, Agents tab, Available box

    DB2 Agent

    Advanced Client Properties dialog box, Job Configuration tab, Job Results Directory box

    The full path to job results directory.


    The directory must exist on all DB2 nodes and Commvault must own the directory.

  4. On the cluster server client, add the following for the primary database:

    1. Add an instance.

    2. Add a backup set.


      Do not configure the same database on physical clients.

  5. Configure DB2 Servers for DB2 HADR Using IBM Tivoli System Automation (TSA) with a Virtual IP Address.

  6. Optimize the MediaAgents that are associated with the storage policy for concurrent LAN backups. For more information, see Configuration - Optimize a MediaAgent for Concurrent LAN Backups. If you cannot enable the MediaAgents, then configure a persistent pipeline for DB2 HADR operations.For more information, see Configuring a Persistent Pipeline for DB2 HADR Operations.

  7. If you have a CommServe firewall, then run the SetClientProp.sql qScript on the CommServe computer command line from the software_installation_path\Base folder:

    qoperation execscript -sn SetClientProp.sql -si c=virtualClientName  -si UsePhysicalnode=y


    C:\Program Files\CommVault\Simpana\Base>qoperation execscript -sn SetCLientProp.sql -si c=db2hadrVirtualClient -si UsePhysicalNode=Y
  8. Perform an online backup.

  9. Perform a DB2 out of place restore.