Enabling 32-Bit Installations on 64-Bit Linux Computers


If you have a 64-bit Linux computer and you need to protect 32-bit applications, you can configure the installation program to install 32-bit agents.

By default, 64-bit agents are installed on Linux computers.


The following 32-bit libraries must be installed on the 64-bit Linux computer:

  • C and C++ runtime libraries, such as libc6-i386 and lib32stdc++6, or equivalents

  • Compression libraries, such as lib32z1, or equivalent

  • Access control lists libraries, such as libacl.i386, or equivalent

  • Pluggable authentication module libraries, such as libpam, or equivalent


Preferred Method: Using the CommCell Console (Remote Installation)

During a remote installation, on the UNIX Advanced Options page of the installation wizard, select the Install 32-bit instead of default 64-bit packages (Linux_x86_64 only) - This will protect 32-bit applications only check box.

For remote installation procedures, see Installing Commvault Remotely Using the CommCell Console.

Alternative Method: Using the Installation Package (Local Installation)

Before you run the installation package, create a lock file on the 64-bit computer by running the following command:

touch /tmp/cvpkgadd_unlock_32

After the file is created, you can install 32-bit agents by running the installation package. For more information, see Installing Commvault Locally on UNIX, Linux, and Macintosh Computers Using the Installation Package.