Excluding Application Files from Windows File System Backups


Use the following procedure to exclude the following files or data from your backup job:

  • Exchange Database files

  • SQL Server files

  • Oracle Database files

    Note: You can filter Oracle database files only if your version of Oracle supports VSS.

  • Virtual Server data


  • The files provided by the VSS writer during the backup operation are excluded. If you want to filter additional files which are not listed by the VSS writer then use the filters option such as wildcard or supported formats.

  • The VSS writer must be in the correct state to provide the accurate list of files. Common issues that affect the state of the VSS writer are local writer errors, network errors, or remote resource errors.


  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand Client Computers > client > File System > backup_set.

  2. Right-click the subclient and then click Properties.

    The Subclient Properties dialog box appears.

  3. In the Subclient name box, type the name of the subclient.

  4. On the Content tab, add the content to be backed up.

  5. On the Filters tab, click Add under Exclude these files/folders/patterns and type the path to files and folders that you want to exclude.


    In case of a full system recovery or 1-Touch restore, filtering the application-specific files may affect the functionality of the application. Ensure that the configured iDAs are used to filter all the application-specific files.

    • To exclude MS Exchange data from being backed up, type <BIF,+MSExchange>.

    • To exclude SQL Server data from being backed up, type <BIF,+SQLServer>.

    • To exclude Oracle database files from being backed up, type <BIF,+OracleDatabase>.

    • To exclude Virtual Server data from being backed up, type <BIF,+HyperV>.


      To exclude Virtual Server data files from your backup, you must have the Virtual Server Agent installed on your client computer.

  6. Click OK.

  7. On the Storage Device tab, in the Storage Policy list, click a storage policy name to associate with the subclient.

    Tip: To create a new storage policy, click Create Storage Policy and follow the instructions in the storage policy creation wizard.

  8. Click OK.