Can I restore Notes data to a different file system?
When restoring Notes data, you can restore the data to a file system type that differs from the type in which it originated. In other words, you can restore NTFS data to a FAT file system and restore FAT data to an NTFS file system. FAT file systems do not support Discretionary Access Control Lists (DACL); therefore, any NTFS data that is restored to a FAT partition loses its original DACL privileges. Also, when FAT file system data is restored to an NTFS file system, the restored data inherits the DACL of the destination directory.
Why can't I see the character?
Database objects whose names contain backslash characters ( \ ) are displayed in the Browse window with the backslash changed to a space character. This change is only for the sake of the browse and has no effect on the way data is actually backed up or restored.
Can I restore a renamed mailbox?
You can restore the contents of the mailbox when mailbox has older name. Restoring data from both old data and new data is allowed to the new .nsf mail file.
My Domino Server is running on a platform that is not supported by the Commvault software. How do I run a backup operation?
Create a replica of your Domino Server on Windows or Linux platforms. Then install the Commvault software on the replica and run a backup operation.