File Discovery, Archiving, and Migrating Data to Cloud



File Discovery, Archiving, and Migrating Data to Cloud is deprecated in this version. For more information about the Obsolescence Policy, see Obsolescence Policy.

Effective Release

11.21 (Version 11, Feature Release 21)


Instead of the File discovery feature, you can use the File Storage Optimization feature.

To archive your data using the Command Center, you can use Archiving Files.

The File Discovery and Archiving solution provides a simple web-based user interface to discover and analyze the contents and structure of your organization's file server and anticipate your need for saving storage space. The file discovery solution runs a data discovery job and collects the data. Based on the data collected, a dashboard is created that allows you to view statistical information about your data such as total data, data types, data age, and data size.

You can also archive data based on the information you see in the dashboard. You can back up and archive data in a single operation.

If data must be retained for a longer period of time, you can archive data to cloud storage.


A backup operation is not required to analyze content.

After you run the data discovery job, the Command Center dashboard shows the following:

  • Total size of data available on the disk or file server

  • Different types of data available based on file extensions such as documents, multimedia, and binaries.

  • The modified time and last access time of files.

After you enable the archiving rules and run archiving jobs and Data Analytics job, the Command Center dashboard shows the following:

  • Data that was archived.

  • Data that will be archived with the subsequent operation.

  • Data that will remain on the disk.

Quickly complete your configuration by answering the following questions:

  • What data do I need to analyze?

  • What is my Index Server?

  • What computer should I use for Share access node?

  • If I am using CIFS share, do I know the user credentials to access the share?

  • If I enable archiving, where do I want to store the data and how do I set up backup job schedules?

The Commvault software provides the following features so that you can efficiently manage your data protection:

  • Preview reports after a data discovery job runs to analyze the data.

  • Preview reports before and after an archiving job runs.

  • Fine tune the archiving rules based on your requirement.


If you want to view more detailed reports for your data, open Data Cube in the Web Console and view the File System reports for the created data source.