Snapshot Copy
A Snapshot Copy is a storage policy copy for IntelliSnap backup operations. To use a Snapshot Copy, create the Snapshot Copy with the steps below and run a backup copy operation to copy the data from the snapshot to the selected media.
Use the following steps to create a Snapshot copy for a Storage Policy:
From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Policies > Storage Policies.
Right-click the <Storage Policy> and click All Tasks > Create New Snapshot Copy
In the Snap Copy Properties dialog box, enter the copy name in the Copy Name field.
From the Library list and the MediaAgent list, select a library and a MediaAgent.
When you select a disk library, the Drive Pool list and the Scratch Pool list are dimmed because they are applicable only for tape libraries.
Click OK.
Related Reports
IntelliSnap Backup Job Summary Report
The Backup Job Summary report can show a detailed status of each client included in the backup. Follow the steps given below to run the Job Summary Report:
On the CommCell Console toolbar, click the Reports tab, and then click the Summary button.
The Report Selection dialog box appears.
By default, the Backup option is selected on the General tab under Data Management.
On the Computers tab, select each client for which you want to view the report.
On the Selection tab, select the Include Snap Backup Jobs Only check box under Advanced.
Click Run.
The report appears in your default Web browser.
Offline Snap Copy Job Summary Report
When you select the Backup Copy option, the Offline Snap Copy Job Summary Report is created. The Backup Copy Job Summary Report displays information about backup copy jobs for each storage policy.
To generate the report:
On the CommCell Console toolbar, click the Reports tab, and then click the Summary button.
The Report Selection dialog box appears.
By default, the Backup option is selected on the General tab under Data Management.
Select Administrative Jobs, and then select Backup Copy Work Flow.
Click Run.
The report appears in your default Web browser. For detailed information on reports, see Reports.
For more detailed information about this report, see Backup Copy Job Summary Report.
License Administration
For information about licensing, see Commvault Licensing Program Guide.
Online Help Links
Use the following links to view the online help for the corresponding tabs in the CommCell Console:
Operations |
Entity |
Online Help Links |
Configuration |
Client |
Subclient |
List Snaps |
Backup Set |
Snaps created during IntelliSnap operation (Volume View) |
Array Management |
Array List |
Additional Options
Several additional options are available to further refine your backup and restore operations. The following table describes the additional options:
Option |
Description |
Related Topics |
Pre/Post Commands |
The Pre-process commands and Post-process commands for IntelliSnap backup can either be executed on the proxy or the source computer. You can use the Pre/Post Process tab of the Subclient Properties dialog box to select where you wish to execute the Pre-process and Post-process commands. IntelliSnap backup supports Pre-process and Post-process commands for the agents that support it. |
For more information on using the Pre/Post commands, see Pre/Post Processes. |
View Snapshot Details |
You can view the details of a snapshot for an agent, job, or a snapshot copy. When you right-click any of these entities, you will be able to browse all the snapshots corresponding to the selected entity.
Select a Job for Backup Copy |
You can select a specific job for creating backup copy. Once selected, the Move Snap to Tape field for the specific job will be changed to Picked (i.e., the next backup copy operation will move this job to media).
Disable a Job for Backup Copy |
You can prevent a job from being moved to media. You can apply this option to those jobs that were previously selected for moving to media. On selecting this option, the Move Snap to Tape field for the specific job will be changed to Not Picked (i.e., the next backup copy operation will not move this job to media).
Find |
Use Find to search and locate files or folders from an IntelliSnap backup. If you want to restore a specific file or folder from a backup set or subclient, you can search the file or folder in the backup set or subclient. Before searching the subclient, ensure that all the files and folders in the subclient are included in the index. |
See Finding and Restoring for more details. |